Gat Video: Putin’s Marxists – Mike Prysner Exposed

Gat’s new video about Mike Prysner (boyfriend of Abby Martin), Philip Giraldi, and other “anti-war” shills who work exclusively for the geopolitical interests of Russia and China.

These “anti-war” types are the most obvious political hacks I’ve ever seen. They pay constant lip service to Russia, China, Iran and any state that is adversarial to the US. They support any military action taken by those states, morphing from “anti-war” to pro-war in a matter of minutes.

These losers will criticize Israel, but attack it as “white supremacy” and “European colonialism” to shift the blame from Jews to whites. Oh, and it’s just a “tool” of the “white supremacist” Western powers, doing the bidding of “white supremacy”. Typical neo-marxist stuff, folks.

It’s all so laughable, so transparent. They’re on the Russian payroll, no doubt, or at the very least are doing Russia’s bidding to get access to Russia Today.

Anti-war is now a euphemism for “I support Russia’s wars”.

Russia has become the benefactor of these “anti-war” types because they don’t get much play on the US or UK mainstream media. Russia gives them a platform and uses their message to further the Kremlin’s geopolitical goals. The Kremlin is using them as useful idiots, and they’re happy to be used in this manner, so long as they can build their brand of stale hippie bullshit and extract shekels from their non-white, libtard and homosexual followers.

2 thoughts on “Gat Video: Putin’s Marxists – Mike Prysner Exposed

  1. Yes I want more people to know about operation SIG. this needs to be talked about a lot more.

    Good video.

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