Giving Women Legal Dominion Over Men Has Destroyed Society

Now that women have legal dominion over men in most Western societies, our civilization is rapidly falling apart.

When women are given the power to rule over their husbands and use special matriarchal laws to oppress the men in their lives, society crumbles.

When women are given political power to make decisions independent of the input of men, society dies.

This is because women only think inwardly in what benefits their selfish gender interests in the short term. They cannot think strategically over the long term. They are driven by emotions, feelings and whims. They act upon these emotions, feelings and whims in increasingly destructive ways. Women are like untamed beasts. If left unchecked, they will lay waste to whatever comes in their path.

Most Western countries have implemented laws relating to domestic violence, rape and sexual assault that give women carte blanche to invent lies to have innocent men thrown in prison. Women are taking full advantage of these new legal powers to inflict damage upon the men that they hate and envy, or seek revenge against for whatever petty reason comes into their infantile minds.

We can see the rotten effects of this everywhere across the West. Male suicide has skyrocketed, few men are willing to get married because of the dangers involved, fewer and fewer men are even pursuing long-term relationships with women because of their predicament as the political subjects of female controllers.

Western women are finding out the hard way that their lives are miserable without men. They can’t survive without the labour of men (construction, plumbing, carpentry, heating, mining, fishing, hunting, mineral and gas acquisition, etc.) and yet they are driving men into depression, isolation and suicide with their unhinged narcissistic behaviour. Why should men continue to sacrifice and toil for these women who give no thanks, no appreciation, and are perpetually on the war path against us?

Women should be left to toil, to hunt, to build their own shelter and hunt for their own food. They won’t survive. They will die off en masse within a decade of truly fending for themselves. But women don’t think about any of this because all of their necessities are provided in abundance by modern society. They don’t need to think about it. They are pampered from cradle to grave.

The only way to turn this nightmare around is by removing women’s legal and political dominion over men and forcing women to truly fend for themselves. No more welfare, no more handouts, no more favours. They will quickly realize that they are helpless, lost souls without men and will come running back to us for protection.

Men need to stop feeding their narcissism, their egos, with attention. Men need to take back their power over these women by simply ignoring them, not doing them favours, not pandering.

Let them toil! Let them suffer! Then things will begin to change.

4 thoughts on “Giving Women Legal Dominion Over Men Has Destroyed Society

  1. Femidykes are the worst! They especially hate elegant and sophisticated women. Women who cherish motherhood, love their husband, do not butcher their children in the womb are detested (in other words they hate decency). Feminism is a mental disorder and is terrorism pure and simple. Feminism has done huge harm to women.

  2. Men are an insult to LiFE
    You should be murdered in your mother’s wombs you FILTH!!!
    All of you ABUSERS have reached the end of your tyranny and now you’re bitching from the sides
    Femoids are those cock suckers who pretend to be women and they ARE the only women who should FUCK YOU!!!
    Worthless pieces of cunt shit ! YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE CUNT FODDER!!!
    I can’t wait the atomic holocaust to wipe you all out !!!

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