Human Rat Ted Cruz Says US Should Rely More on Israel For Medical Supplies

Ted Cruz is a human rat.


Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is leading a bipartisan effort to wean the United States from its reliane on China for drugs and medical supplies by turning to Middle East ally Israel.

Cruz and Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., are seeking $12 million to enhance partnerships between companies in the U.S. and Israel “to develop innovative medical projects aimed at detecting, treating, and curing COVID-19,” Breaking Israel News reported.

“I’ve long said that China poses the most significant, long-term geopolitical threat to the United States,” Cruz wrote on Twitter. “Our dependence on China for life-saving medications and treatments is deeply problematic.

The senator argued that Israel “is not only our friend and ally, but also a global leader in medicine with which we already cooperate on exactly those issues.”

“I’m proud to push forward to ensure both American and Israeli companies can work together to develop cures and treatments to defeat COVID-19,” Cruz said.

Cruz has staked his entire meaningless political career on dropping his pants for Jews.

He will literally turn anything into some stupid dog and pony show to demonstrate to his Jewish masters that he is a loyal servant of Hebraic global supremacy.

Israel is a deadly enemy of the United States which attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, murdering dozens of US sailors on purpose. Israel has paid Jewish spies like Jonathan Pollard to steal US military secrets which they then sell to Red China.

Israeli Mossad spies were arrested in New Jersey on 9/11 filming and celebrating the attack. Benjamin Netanyahu also celebrated the attack as a boon for Israel.

These Mossad Jews were literally following around the alleged 9/11 hijackers and tracking their movements, most likely to make sure they avoided detection and succeeded in their mission.

Israel wanted 9/11 to kickstart a series of Jewish wars to remove Arab dictators opposed to Israel.

Is this is the “great ally and friend” that the human rat Ted Cruz is always talking about?

4 thoughts on “Human Rat Ted Cruz Says US Should Rely More on Israel For Medical Supplies

    1. Cruz means cross, but sure enough, from “Cruz as a Sephardic name”:

      “The name Cruz has been identified by the Holy [sic] Office of the Catholic Church of Spain and other sources as a Sephardic (Jewish) name.”

      His father was CIA when the Jew Cord Meyer was running it.

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