Karl Marx: Jewish Beast Who Never Worked a Day in His Life

By Philippe Armstrong

The left’s ideal world would be a collective. Socialism has been a proven formula for tyranny and oppression with everyone being equal in his or her misery. Central planning with top-down solutions destroys spirit and incentive. Karl Marx believed in force, not voluntary exchange. Out of the 50 odd nations who have tried Marxism as their operative system, not one has worked. Collectivism is a myth-it simply means the mass exodus of productive minds, inventors and workers. Private property is the element of self-sustenance that was engrained in our caveman ancestors and now modern day homo sapiens.  

The nations with worsening results in education are drifting more and more into Marxist thinking and theories. The proof is in the pudding-trans ideology, gender-fluids and kids being free-spirits is not education. They are paying the price. The Marxist plague is trying to gain ground in the West.

Socialism is institutionalized government force against the thinkers, innovators, investors, producers and employers who have achieved. Socialism is a tool of the indolent and entitled. No socialist will practice what they preach. It is about forcing others to practice what they preach. Why aren’t the socialists forming their own collectives? Why don’t they sell their possessions and share the proceeds? If they find someone making wealth for themselves or others they can expel them from their community. 

Karl Marx during the second-half of his life, after having his children because he could not afford to financially care for them, he and his family lived off the charity of capitalists. He lived off the charity of his friend. Marx sat in his chair and thought about what it would be like to be a working man. Marx lived off a toil of factory workers while bemoaning their fate and thinking of how it ought to be. He had no experience in the world. He watched his children go hungry, buried four of them and refused to work in order to provide for them. Marx never set foot inside a mill, a mine or farm. Marx supporters, just like Marx himself want to live off someone else’s toil. Marx should be relegated to the trash bin of history where he belongs. 

In Australia we have rabid sexual deviant Marxist Roz Ward appointed to a high-level committee advising the Victorian government on education issues. So revolutionary Marxist groups who aim to throw away capitalism and to overthrow our entire system like the courts, police, the armed forces and so on have gained a foothold. They wish to destroy the institutions of society. They teach children that gender is fluid and want to destroy all long held building structures with Marxist gender theory. Children are being brainwashed on transgender and the self-identification movement and that sodomy is healthier than broccoli.

Roz Ward is hellbent on destroying the well-being and sanity of children. The victim card is their favorite ploy. The suicide king card is also another favorite. Children are weaponized and are shields. With their self-virtue promotion, promotion of LGBT and accusing others of bigotry there lies a deep darkness within the LGBT movement. In a sane society people like Roz Ward would be put in a mental institution until they recovered from  their delusions. Roz Ward who is as ugly as a bucket load of assholes would cause any kid in a classroom deep nightmares. Her great mission is to create an atmosphere for confused, self-hating teens to chop off their bits. 

11 thoughts on “Karl Marx: Jewish Beast Who Never Worked a Day in His Life

  1. Your thinking is too reactionary. Marxism appeared because of the abhorrent working conditions in the mines and manufactories of mid 19th century Europe. The capitalists should have treated their workers more humanely.

    1. Perhaps… or it could be part of the jews plan that is outlined in great detail and in vast depth in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which has been working very well, unfortunately, ever since it was published.

  2. Marxism appeared because of the abhorrent working conditions in the mines and manufactories of mid 19th century Europe. WTF !???!

    what abhorrent working conditions did Marx ever encounter ?

  3. Marx came from a family of super wealthy industrialists.
    Mainstream geneology is often scrubbed or fake, Miles W. Mathis investigates Marx.
    He says Karl Marx was born in Trier Germany.
    This paper also takes a rather long detour researching the graduates and links to a spook school ‘New Trier’ in the US.
    Oh well it might be of interest and shed some light.

  4. Marxists are prevalent in all institutions and academia. Marxism is heinous and deeply evil. Countries going backwards in education are all leaning in the Marxist direction. Those nations ditching Marxist crap are seeing their results improve. Whilst Australia has such left-leaning misery and Marxist deviants like Roz Ward getting into schools, the results will crumble.

  5. Jose Antonio was a reader of Marx and he agreed to him to an extent. He took very seriously the “class struggle” concept. In order to prevent class struggle, a huge, steady middle class was needed, and a happy, full satisfied working class (as Nierzsche noticed, too) was needed.
    Franco was not a reader of Marx, Franco was not an intelectual, like Jose Antonio, but Franco took very seriously Jose Antonio and he implemented to a big degree (not toally) Jose Antonio’s thought into practical policies in Spain. With great success. The chosen men for that work were phalangist ministers Giron de Velasco and Arrese. Both men should have a lot of statue memorials in this country and they have zero one. In fact, Arrese used to have a street with his name in a modelic working class quarter that he, personally, built, in Madrid, but commie mayor changed the name lf the street, the witch.
    That is how commies operate: erasing History. But “no pasaran!”

    In any case, as approching Marx, we should make a philosophical, metodological approach, not necessaraly political. Marx, after all, was a philodopher, not a politician.
    We can do the same with the other side of the spectrum (and jew, too): Ayn Rand.
    Regarding Marx as a person who did not work a day in his life… maybe not phisical work, but intelectual work, for sure yes.

  6. Jews behind marxism
    Ideology: Marx, Herbert Marcuse
    USSR: Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovitch, Stalin (very likely jew ), Julius Martov
    Germany: Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Paul Levi, Leo Jogiches, Ernst Toller, Erich Mühsam, Gustav Landauer, Eugen Leviné, Karl Radek
    China: Jakob Rosenfeld
    South Africa: Joe Slovo
    Venezuela: Nicolas Maduro
    Cuba: Fidel Castro
    USA: Soros, Sanders
    Sweden: Bonnier Group (control Sweden media). Belong to Jewish Bonnier family.
    United Kingdom: Keir Starmer( jewish wife)
    Finland: Misha Dellinger

  7. There’s no such thing as “marxist gender theory,” Marxism believes that gender roles are contingent on the means of production and the subordination of social class to it. These degenerates are talking about fags and putting a Marxist label on it.

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