Marxist Attacks On Homeschooling During Quarantine Intensify

By Philippe Armstrong

During the coronavirus many parents now have their child or children at home and are trying out homeschooling. The virus has given parents a look at options which some may not have looked at previously. Homeschooling during this time has replaced the traditional bricks and mortar schools. 
Attacks on homeschooling have intensified of late with academics and other progressives attacking it.

They argue it is violating a child’s right to a valuable education and violates progressive values. However, when you hear a progressive talk of children’s rights, a red flag should go off in your head. Elites detest homeschooling largely because the parents by and large  install different values onto their children-self-reliance, not taking a victim stance, respect for Christian beliefs, the free market, enterprise, capitalism and the like. Elites detest homeschooling because they think they know better than parents. The progressives have been fighting homeschooling for decades. 

Homeschooling has grown between 2 to 8 percent per year in Australia and the USA over the past three decades. The burgeoning academic options and alternatives available today are a threat to the progressives who want the state to be the decider and the state to be the guardian of children. The progressives think the state can inculcate hostility to difference in children. So disagree with the state progressive agenda and you are a demonic force. An absence of state oversight deeply troubles them.

The left think government is the only institution with the power and scale to intervene in the massive undertaking of educating children. What they fail to tell you is that children are only useful for them if they carry their water and become foot soldiers for social justice. Homeschooling they believe is against progressive values. And what might they be?- welfare is great, Marxism, gender-fluids, victimhood, grievances, anti-capitalist wealth creation, automatons for the United Nations, being free spirits? 

Many children may be too smart to fall for the left’s socialist program. Progressives mostly should worry about the academic results of homeschooling-they vastly outperform state traditional bricks and mortar schools. In the United States the results are typically 30 percent higher than the public average. Has it occurred to the left that many parents decide to homeschool because the state run schools fail children? It is no different to Australia.  

The past several months, more children than ever are outside the state schools’ grasp. For the hard left, it is a nightmare which is why the attacks have intensified. Kids are away for a few months from the left’s indoctrination and that is enough for the progressives. A surveillance state is what matters to the left and the apparatus of the state. Children do not belong to the government. Private schooling enrages progressives, but not to the same degree as homeschooling. One of the policy platforms for the ex- Labor leader in the United Kingdom (Jeremy Corbyn), was to remove private schools. 

In the twenty-first century, increasingly bricks and mortar schools are becoming obsolete and irrelevant. Of course many parents need to utilise schools, but the mushrooming of educational options are exploding-homeschooling, religious bodies, volunteer groups, tutoring, hobby groups, clubs, associations and lots more. Enormous tools and resources are available. These options will be attacked by progressives as they believe only the state with left ideology can install the right thoughts into children’s minds. Intimidation and the coercive power of the state they will attempt to utilise to destroy liberties. 

6 thoughts on “Marxist Attacks On Homeschooling During Quarantine Intensify

  1. “Marxist Attacks On Homeschooling During Quarantine Intensify”

    well naturally, oh course, their intensifying. It’s obvious now that the kids are learning the truth about white people and their historic backgrounds directly from their parents.
    “But Dad, our teacher told us that all white people are responsible for all the problems in the entire world, and now your telling us that in fact most of the benefits of our society come from the minds of white people and their efforts! ”

    “So you’re saying that our teacher lied to us right to our faces and told us things about ourselves that were completely untrue!”
    And the dad and mom is equally surprised that there are finding out that their kids are being indoctrinated with a bunch of Jewish lies lead by Marxists who are intent on undermining their very society that they as white people have built! No wonder they are completely pissed !

  2. I don’t know who wrote the article in the above but whoever did so is a tremendous scholar and truth teller and I have to take my hat off to you for telling the truth behind what is going on in today’s educational environment. We should have increasingly a lot more of home schooling in which we can hire teachers who are willing to give good education to our kids at a moderate to reasonable price for their labors.

    And parents should be willing to pay this out of their own pocket instead of having taxes which go to Marxist indoctrination in our schools in attempting to brain wash their children against themselves. We need to have a complete revamping all the educational system in the United States to eliminate the influences of the state in poisoning the minds of our kids against us.

    1. Hi Howard. I am the writer. The rot has got worse throughout the West for sure. You should see what is going on in many schools in the USA. A war on heterosexuality and even depraved bondage, sadomasochistic events, transexuals, rabid Marxist feminists and so on. Egalitarianism and anti-wealth creation, capitalism and so on feature, too. Education will continue to plummet with the venture towards Marxism and hard left thinking and theories.

      1. Hello Philippe Armstrong,

        I woke up this morning thinking about your article when I had awakened, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became. But I wasn’t angry at the usual suspects as you might think; actually I was angry at white people and especially white parents.

        My anger arose because the fact that any group of parents who will not defend their children from being brain washed and physically and spiritually compromised is not a group of parents nor a group of people who I would want to particularly defend. What I’m actually saying here is that why should I ever wish to lay down my life for a group of people who will not even defend their own children against Jewish lies and propaganda and allow Jewish propaganda to ride roughshod over their own children.

        Why would anybody even want to defend such a group of people or such a system ? So I don’t see any reason that if white people are not willing to fight back why we should white people even survive.
        At least that’s becoming my point of view as I get older.

  3. Ooooy veeeey!! It’s Holocaust week and the kiddies are not learning about the six million!!

    It’s Black History month and the kiddies are not learning how great niggers are!!

    Oooooy veeeey!!

  4. Call me a naive idealist.
    Democracy isn’t working due to, amongst other things:
    Vote rigging.
    Parties and politicians not keeping promises.
    Media lies and propaganda.
    Corruption and hidden agendas (health and education agendas to name two).
    Interference by outside entities and corporations to feather their nests.
    There are a couple of alternatives to democracy as I see it.
    1. An undemocratic and clearly defined dictatorship.
    At least you know where you stand with a dictator.
    2. Everyone for themselves, freedom loving, home-schooled, home produced food, localised, non-globalist, independent type of society with no local authorities or services (back to the land recycle and barter).
    Over simplified I know, but either is worth trying because the dog’s breakfast of a society and government and system we have now is laughable (it would be if it wasn’t the actual reality).

    1. Then it gets technical.
      What kind of dictatoship appeals to you?
      Fascist, communist or a sort of mixture (the definitions get blurred – 2 sides of the same coin).
      We are currently living under, heading towards a new world order global government.
      Global government is really much, much too big, given that experiments with big governments through history have already been shown to eventually lead to disaster or living nightmares.
      We don’t want the social engineers to try any more experiments on us.
      As for the vaccine thing, they know what they can do with that.

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