New Documentary Makes Compelling Case that Wuhan Virus Was Manufactured in a Chinese Lab

The Epoch Times had produced a documentary making the case that the Wuhan Virus, also known as the Slant-Eyed Bat-Eating Chink Flu, was first manufactured by Chinese lab-rats in a research facility in Wuhan as part of bio-weapons research.

It doesn’t claim that the virus was intentionally released by the Chinese regime (as that doesn’t make much sense), but that someone working at the lab got unintentionally infected and then spread it to others.

The Chink regime then fabricated a tale about the wet market to take attention away from their own culpability in fabricating this virus as part of top secret military research.

Makes sense.

It looks like this was all the result of a mixture of malice, incompetence and corruption on the part of Chink commies and now we’re all facing the catastrophic consequences.

These Chinks should be paying out a UBI to all of the world’s citizens. They caused this and should pay the piper. They can afford it, too, with all their billions derived from the slave labour of their own citizens.

The Chink regime is clearly on the warpath against us. They are attempting to colonize our countries with large-scale Chinese immigration, which they then use as leverage to benefit Beijing’s billionaire class. They’ve cornered entire real estate markets in Western cities. They’ve tried to buy up major media companies.

These Chinks are the Jews of Asia, mindlessly greedy and cunning.

They are actually trying to copy Jewish strategies for wealth acquisition. That means being ruthless, greedy global parasites, destroying anything in your path.

That is the Jewish way and that is also the Chink way. Two peas in a pod, folks.

The Jew-Chink conspiracy is upon us.

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