Obese Nazbol Matt Heimbach is Now an Anti-Racist Activist

Obese Nazbol Matt Heimbach has joined the enemy camp, folks.

This is comical. He’s now an anti-racist activist, or “anti-extremism” activist, for this SPLC-type group called Light is Light.

That organization he’s speaking with in the video is the same one that the former leader of the National Socialist Movement, Jeff Schoep, also defected to.

Heimbach was recently kicked out of that group on the grounds that he’s a communist.

This is clearly a pathetic case of desperation on the part of both these men. Schoep defected after going broke facing lawsuits related to Charlottesvile. Some wily negro tricked him into signing over his organization so he could stay out of prison, then he quickly defected to the anti-racist camp, probably for financial reasons.

Heimbach was largely discredited after he got arrested following an incestuous tryst and subsequent fight in his trailer park. He’s also probably dead broke and looking for an anti-racist paycheck.

Joining the anti-racist circuit seems like the logical conclusion of his career as a Duginist subversive playing all sides of the political spectrum to cause chaos in America for the benefit of Russia and China.

15 thoughts on “Obese Nazbol Matt Heimbach is Now an Anti-Racist Activist

  1. ” But the true realization must come that it isn’t just White working class people who are suffering, but all working class people. It is not about race, but class.

    That’s the problem with white nationalists, in my opinion. They see one part of the puzzle, the one that pertains to themselves. But the true scope of the problem is not just facing the White working class in America, but all working people around the world. ”


    He did go full communist

    1. Yep, that’s why I warn about these Nazbol types. They’re so close to commies in terms of economics that it just takes a little more nudging and they come full circle, embracing antifa and class struggle.

    2. White Nationalism is not about hating other races, but to preseve yours. It is not supremacism but survivalism. And it is not uncompatible with a healthy non marxist syndicalism. In fact WN, and especially syndicalist WN is the most hippy, flower power, peace and love thing ever! Even more is is the Christian one. And the Pagan one, too, so close to Nature and folk things.
      Then, I do not understand this leftification/liberalization of Heimback. Not necessary at all.
      It is not about wife beating neither, it is about loving and protecting your wife and your children. It is not anti intelectual or narrow mindness. The right opposite. Then… what is the problem? Too much booze? Go to AA.
      Maybe Heimback felt ostracized, virtue signaled… from who? Femicunts, liberals, jews, good thinkers, prudes? Fuck them, Matt!
      As he said in an interview to a milf liberal journalist… “I think I am pretty open minded”. Yes, Matt, do not let them bully you. They are good at mind bulliying, but we all know already that

  2. Sad, I had a decent amount of respect for the guy when he first started. I thought his group TWP was decent until they started hanging out with NSM and other trashionalists . I guess cville really did for a lot of these people, also did he get threatened or something?

    But in the end, what he just did is traitorous.

  3. Mossad got to him big time. After he’s severed his ‘purpose’ Mossad will cause him to have an unfortunate accident …

    1. What kind of asset to the mossad would a fat loser like that be. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy when you have legions of losers running around who have no valuable skills and have to make a buck anyhow.

  4. As a phenomena, this is extremely interesting. I think is something pretty usual when you belong, since childhood, to a rural Christian right, ultra conservative environment. In one point in your life, you feel like you are missing the outter world and you sre living in a Truman’s show. It happened as well with the “nazi twin sisters” and in many other cases.
    But when your environment since childhood is urban-liberal (which is the case of Steve Bannon) you know, if you have a little brains, how piece of shit, how revolting and how worthless is that urban-liberal thing. And you laugh about it. So if the far right village environment is the Show of Truman, the liberal urban thing id the Matrix. And certainly you can laught at both. BUT, the village uktraconservative thing still, at the end of the day, more healthy, more authentic and more worth of respect, after all.
    Said this from a soecimen from a liberal urban environment such Madrid, Spain.

  5. “Obese Nazbol Matt Heimbach is Now an Anti-Racist Activist”
    Wrong. This disgusting fat piece of crap is still a Racist. He’s now just a Racist AGINST his fellow whites.
    A jew tool – if u will…

  6. We’re going into full global communism right now. This whole coronavirus bs is bringing in total surveillance tyranny. It’s an authoritarian control freak’s wet dream.

  7. Is anyone surprised? He always seemed dodgy to me. After Dylan Roof shot up that black church, he went to the memorial service for the “innocent victims”. After a supposed debate with the vile anti-White agitator Tim “Weiss” Wise, they were photographed shaking hands and smiling, like they were WWE wrestlers only pretending to be enemies. Maybe he was always a fed plant, or maybe his Christcucked religion made him think he could kumbaya his enemies. Or maybe after being arrested and imprisoned he got an “education” in stir and a deal he couldn’t refuse if he ever wanted to see the outside world again.

  8. The trouble with Heimbach (who I had met on several occasions) was always immature in his view of the movement. It was HE who promoted violence (not the movement). It was HIS childish narcissism that that led to his affair with his mother-in-law and it was total lack of understanding the struggle white people face. His hatred for the founding fathers and our American heritage was clearly revealed at a Stormfront conference (about 2014). Heimbach trouble was he was still a child and attempted to be a leader when he was not prepared. His attitude (as well as Shoep) is that most people in the white nationalist movement are economic losers. This is why Schoep and Heimbach were never fully accepted in White Nationalist. The media promoted their importance not because of their leadership skills but because they they lived out the caricature that the media wanted to promote. Most people in the movement are well established in their careers, have good stable families and happy lives. They are nothing like that which our enemies promote. Heimbach and Schoep both are promoted as one time leaders in White Nationalism, the reality is they were hate filled unhappy people who did indeed form a following of other hate filled unhappy people. But neither they are they hate filled unhappy followers represented the movement in any way.

    1. Thanks for the insight into Heimbach.

      His hatred for the founding fathers and our American heritage was clearly revealed at a Stormfront conference (about 2014).

      Yes, he went Nazbol somewhere in there and got hooked into kinky foreign ideologies, particularly Duginism, which ultimately led to his downfall.

      Essentially he lost track of his own identity as an American and went soul searching for some surrogate identity elsewhere.

      Now he’s a complete shitshow.

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