Spain: Bolsheviks in Power Attempt to Silence VOX With ‘Hate Crime’ Legal Complaint

The ruling Bolsheviks in power in Spain are going Full Bolshie.

The Olive Press:

THE socialist PSOE party has slammed the far-right VOX party over the spreading of misinformation and ‘hoaxes’ about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s party has accused its political rival of creating a feeling of ‘insecurity, fear and mistrust’ among the population with its scathing attacks on Sanchez and the coalition government’s handling of the crisis.

The PSOE has been on the receiving end of the majority of Vox’s attacks on social media, and leading ministers have accused Vox of bringing the party into disrepute with its outlandish criticisms.

The complaint stems from a series of tweets from Vox back on January 18 and again between April 2 and 7 aimed at the PSOE.

Vox published, what was later found to be factually inaccurate, images of dozens of coffins in Madrid as well as similar images of supposed bodies in coffins stockpiled in underground stores.

PSOE’s transport minister, Jose Luis Abalos, signed off on the order to denounce Vox for potential ‘hate crimes’, ‘crimes of slander’ and the spreading of ‘false information’ for the tweets against his party.

Unidad Podemos has also been subject to Vox’s attacks and along with the PSOE, has brought the case to the department of Online Crimes in Spain’s central court which is currently investigating the accusations.

The Spanish commies are going to use every legal trick in the book to silence VOX who has been stridently criticizing them for their disastrous handling of the Gook-Flu crisis.

Spain currently has the highest death count of any country.

A minister even said that “negative messages” about the government must be silenced.

That means ANY criticism of the government will be quashed.

This is WAR, folks. These Reds are on a mad power trip!

The commies are literally trying to shut down an opposition political party with legal measures, using sympathetic leftist judges to prosecute VOX leaders for telling the truth about Sanchez, Iglesias and the Ruling Reds.


The only solution to these differences is an old fashioned civil war, folks.

Nothing else to it.

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