Spain: Wu Flu Death Toll Rises to 14,555

The feminist and open borders virus has killed over 14,000 in Spain.

France 24:

Spain recorded on Wednesday a second successive daily rise in coronavirus-related deaths with 757 fatalities, lifting the total toll in Europe’s second-hardest-hit country after Italy by 5.5 percent to 14,555.

The number of new infections rose by 4.4 percent to 146,690, the health ministry said, as Spain has ramped up its testing for the disease.

The number of daily deaths, which peaked on Thursday at 950, rose for the first time on Tuesday after falling for four straight days.

But the rate of increase in both deaths and new infections on Wednesday was largely in line with that recorded the previous day, and half of what was recorded just a week ago.

“We have consolidated the slowdown in the spread of the virus,” Health Minister Salvador Illa tweeted after the latest figures were published.

As you can see, feminism and open borders leads to mass death.

The reason the Wu Flu has hit Spain so hard is because the mind disease of feminism and open borders liberalism had already been so widespread throughout the country.

Feminists and open borders liberals championed no precautions against this virus early on, and told people to have oral and anal sex with the nearest chink in order to demonstrate anti-racist virtue.

You reap what you sow.

11 thoughts on “Spain: Wu Flu Death Toll Rises to 14,555

  1. Everyone is only talking about Italy while Spain is lagging like 5 days behind! USA and UK numbers going up too!

  2. A friend of mine, the other day, due to confinment, hunged himself to death. I spoke to him a lot days before and he told me he could not deal with the children , he was taking a lot of pills to cope with them, and wife was witholding sex 100% since the very first day. But he found out wifey sexting by iphone with someone else. He confronted wifey about issue but she emasculated him, saying “he has a huge cock not like your useless tiny prick” and she showed cock pic from the other guy to humiliate my friend, And she threatened him with divorce, keeping the house, etc. He rang me out of despair and I told him to take it easy and maybe going to see a hooker (he lived in the suburbs and many hookers still operating over there at their own places) but it seems he could not deal with situation.
    He had a small company, a nice house in the suburbs, a trophy wife and two children. 49 years old. RIP.
    The plague is already making this kind of victims.

      1. Thank you,
        But this poor gyuy he built his own hell,
        First of all, he married his employee, who has huge tits but she is totallly illiterate. She cannot go further from crappy Tele5 gossip shows. She is the “choni” type. And he was ollege educated,
        Then, he had children in order to keep her in her place and to have her for granted at home.
        Big mistake. You cannot control any woman by making them children,
        He felt *respectabe” for being a family man.
        That happens when you get marry and you produce people as utilities. He fell in al the tradcuck trap.

        1. Evil bitch. And a piece of advice for the young ones. Never get married.
          Lot of my friends were devastated when their wives divorce-raped them and took the kids, sometimes the dogs, some killed themselves too, other became desperate alcoholics.
          A friend now 50, he saw his 25 yo son perhaps 2 years in his life. And the little bastard rarely cared to visit him.
          Never recovered from that.

          Years ago, when more and more of my friends started getting married, they would make fun of me for not doing so, peer pressure. Now, many are divorced and despaired.
          This must be fixed. If women want to divorce, they will receive only what they brought into the marriage, their dowry. Because when are the bread winners, and cheating skanks should not be entitled to what we worked hard to obtain.
          And we need more brothels.

          1. ‘Sometimes the dogs”,
            That is truly cruel.
            “An we need more brtothels”.
            “Peer preassure”.
            Most people cannot cope with it. Most people are flock.

            1. No woman will ever take my dogos.
              Praise the lord for prostitutes.
              Too bad for your friend, he should have listen your sound advices.

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