Spain’s Globalist PM Calls for Centralization of Power in Hands of the EU

This piece in the Guardian was written by Pedro Sanchez himself, the prime minister of Spain who wants all Spanish men to be castrated and enslaved by unhinged Spanish women.


In the coming months, the EU member states will inevitably take on greater volumes of debt to deal with the consequences of what is not just a health crisis, but an economic and social crisis. That is why the response cannot be the same as that envisaged for asymmetric economic shocks, such as a financial or banking crisis in a single state or group of states. If the virus does not respect borders, then nor should financing mechanisms.

Provided that it is universal and not subject to conditions, the European Stability Mechanism may be useful in the initial stages to inject liquidity into EU economies through a line of credit. But this is not going to be sufficient in the medium term.

The challenge we face is extraordinary and unprecedented. It calls for a single, united, radical and ambitious response to preserve our economic and social system and protect our citizens.

The Spanish have always protected and defended the European project. It is time for reciprocity. With us, with Italy and with each and every one of the 27 countries of the union.

It is time to act with solidarity in creating a new debt mutualisation mechanism, acting as a single bloc for the purchase of essential medical supplies, establishing coordinated cybersecurity strategies, and preparing a major emergency plan to ensure that the continent’s recovery is rapid and robust.

This solidarity has to ensure that there are no gaps between north and south, that we leave no one behind.

These are very challenging times which require bold decisions. Millions of Europeans believe in the European Union. We must not abandon them. We must give them reasons to keep believing. And we must act now or never, because, right at this moment, Europe itself is at stake.

As you can expect, these globalists are calling for more centralization of power in the hands of globalist, open-borders institutions like the European Union and United Nations.

This is all a big, fat globalist power grab.

They’re trying to scare everybody into giving away their basic freedoms and their national sovereignty so these globalist blood-suckers can coordinate their draconian policies from a central headquarters in Brussels.

Soon enough they will roll out EU-wide “hate speech” laws to silence any skeptics of leftism, feminism and mass immigration.

This is where they’re taking this fake crisis… towards full global government and the implementation of mass castration of white adult heterosexual males.

Then the Jewish race can rule the world from Jerusalem and scum like Sanchez will be given their 20 pieces of silver.

2 thoughts on “Spain’s Globalist PM Calls for Centralization of Power in Hands of the EU

  1. “This piece in the Guardian was written by Pedro Sanchez himself, the prime minister of Spain who wants all Spanish men to be castrated and enslaved by unhinged Spanish women.”

    Now I’m beginning to understand why Brandon Martinez hates women, jews, and blacks; and he’s got good reason to !

  2. The EU doesn’t even have a budget yet! It’s useless! If countries like Poland, Hungary will not get gibs from the EU, for them there is no point to stay in anymore! And countries like Italy, Spain, etc that have suffered from the virus the most should be first in line for the financial help, but even feminists in Finland are against it!
    Which will be the next country to leave the EU, hmmm!?

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