The Deviant Pervert Agenda Marches On

By Philippe Armstrong

The woke are the West’s home-grown tinpot tyrants. They masquerade as campaigners against hate, but their entire purpose is to spread hate. They spread hatred against people who they say are fascist, homophobic, transphobic, climate-change deniers and so on. The only reason they do this is because they are people who uphold decency and common sense. They hate truth tellers.

Anti-abortion groups, those who expose the social contagion of LGBT and the medical horror stories, those who expose the darkness and misery of socialism and so on. They fashion identity politics and victim culture into weapons of character assassinations to destroy their opponents. Maybe if these people were scheduled to have an abortion performed on them they may stop supporting them? They love to use children as human shields-trans and Greta Thunberg come to mind. If we do not teach every LGBTIQ and celebrate it at schools then we will bring out the suicide king card. Children are weaponized. 

We have Antifa and Marxist wack-jobs on university campuses and in many institutions. The trans destroy others who are secure in their identities. The transgender cult rolls on. The transgenders promise  a new identity will solve all problems. It is a social contagion and an ideology which is now a societal bandwagon. Past and present cults always seduce people and self-labelled victims into losing all sense of reality and embracing bizarre beliefs. The trans militants are no different. Science and biology are rejected. The left do not do science. They say you can be whatever gender you want independent of sex, but an unborn never gets to be called a human despite different DNA, half the time a different sex, own organs and so on. Self-identification is now the great new standard. Feelings are what matters and society must bow down to it. It is a completely unscientific foundation and built on lies. It has no basis in fact. 

Professional medical societies cower before these activists and create guidelines, not on science and facts, but feelings and politics. The trans have captured the institutions, government, legislature, sports and education. No thought to the consequences. They have compelled speech in some places. Say my pronouns or face the penalty. No doctors will do anything but agree. Fantasies are the new reality. 

LGBT rights in  history went as follows.:

1970s We want acceptance and to be removed from DSM 
1980s The right to spread HIV/AIDS
1990s We want tolerance and more rights 
2000s We want marriage and rights to adopt 
2015 Bake the cake you bigot

Affirm, praise and celebrate with us or else. Say my pronouns or face the consequences.  Let us display fetish as we like. Let drag queens read to the children. Let me use the bathroom of my choice. The next will be-let me play with your kid you pedophobe.  

LGBT should not be anywhere near children. They do not qualify morally or biologically. 
Progress the reprobates define as child sacrifice, and more letters added to the alphabet soup. All the suicides, drug use, alcoholism, mental illness, anorexia, confused children, sex changes with hormone therapy and anger will grow and grow. LGBT are a direct threat to children’s health as children are now placed in the hands of diseased ridden degenerates. Homosexuality is the 5th columnist in schools.

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