The Extreme Racial Privilege of Australian Abos

By Philippe Armstrong

In Australia, we have the huge Aboriginal industry which is great for people working in it, but useless at solving anything. We actually have what is cultural apartheid in Australia.  There are Aboriginal only employment services, health clinics, schools, institutions, organizations and much more. If you are not Aboriginal, you do not get it. Most of the big money hungry Aboriginal industry is made up of leeches who are just in it to make money. Aboriginals love their sit down money. 

We have a movement called ‘reconciliation’. No one knows what it means except vague ideas like reaching harmony between Aboriginals and the rest. It is a nice sounding word for extortion and perpetual compensation. No matter how much money is thrown at them it will never be enough. You could give an Aboriginal family Buckingham Palace and they would still complain!! Reconciliation is a nice little scam. It keeps the wonderful gravy train rolling. 

Kids are taught what a great civilization the Aboriginals were before evil whitey came along. Civilizations all came up with the wheel, traded and domesticated animals. Not the Aboriginals. They had barely little huts and roamed around starkers burning the Bush for an easy feed. The original aussie barbecue started with the Aboriginals. The best art they ever came up with was dots on paper. But of course they are as good as great European masterpieces like the Dutch masters! 

Australia in 2008 said sorry to the Aboriginals. Sorry for what exactly? Doubling their life expectancy? Giving them shelter and the wheel? Giving them free everything? Giving them farming? Giving them first class healthcare? Giving them sit down money for life. In over 240 years the longest workstrike in history has not ended. The Aboriginals are still on strike. None of the Aboriginals want to forego white society for their traditional ways. If their culture and ways are best, the best thing to do would be to prove it. 

There are Aboriginal quotas for university. There are grants, extra research funds, programs, extra sport funding and so on. They have their own flag (whitey invention). 

At many events across Australia we have what is called ‘Welcome to Country.’ Aboriginals perform a dance and welcome us to our own country. They say we are on stolen land. Well, they say they were here 60,000 years so that is not a bad run for not being invaded. It was 10,000 years when I was at school. So they have added another 50,000. They are a defeated people, end of story. Tens of billions of dollars are pissed up against a wall in Australia. They have nothing to offer other Australians. Either they partake in society and participate or piss off back to the bush.  

11 thoughts on “The Extreme Racial Privilege of Australian Abos

  1. Abos aka boongs are just part of the intriguing fauna of Australia that has evolved in isolation of 60k years. Emus, kangaroos, koalas, platypus and these talking monkeys that look like the missing link. They should all be in zoos around the world or left to their own in the wild.

    1. I would not put it like that. My point was they are given extra privileges, rights, lots of money solely based on one thing only-race. And the extra bottomless pit of money will never be enough. Kids in Australia at school are taught what a wonderful civilization they were before evil whitey came. Their art is what a four year old child with his or eyes half shut could do. And in schools and colleges, historical revisionism is at work teaching kids they were an advanced civilization and were a nation.

  2. Oh God! They are just such and ugly lot, the buggers! The abos have rampant domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and homelessness problems to start with. Followed by incest, pornography addiction that sends them on rampages of rape (pornography is banned in many parts of country Australia because it sends abos crazy), huge glue and petrol sniffing problems, and a collective allergy to all forms of work. Abos are not people; they are bi-ped beasts. But, they are soooooo much better than caucasians, because they are brown…and that is what matters most, it seems, in this bizarre world.

    1. But the left think they are the best civilization that ever lived. Their IQ rates measured by world renowned scientists comes in at 64. Their communities are war zones and if whitey ventures there they will be called white c***!! They are totally beholden to the welfare dollar and the outside because a far left politician in the 1960s started welfare and called them all victims. The gravy train has not stopped moving since then.

  3. It is perfectly fine and fair that abos are privileged in their OWN NATIVE HISTORIC (I should say ”prehistoric”) land.
    The same way whites should be privileged in Europe. Actually, the only privilege whites want in Europe is to be left alone. Non whites in Europe should be sterilized. Period.
    Is there any abo pornstar, by the way?

    1. Pornography is very destructive to society. But in regards to your question-there would not be an Aboriginal porn star. Maybe on many sets of Star Wars or science fiction films WITHOUT the need for masks and costumes. A good looking person in those communities is definitely and unquestionably a tourist.

    1. We have academics in Australia who make a living telling others that whitey’s stole Aboriginal children to breed the black out of them. It has been thrown out of court that many times but the claims and the myths roll on. Marxist academics push it. They actually have hordes of universities teaching Aboriginal Studies in Australia!!! Forget science, mathematics, engineering and so on. We have soft meaningless fluff like gender studies, women’s studies, cultural studies and feminism being all the rage. Feminists come up with useless theories every year and academics teach Aboriginal culture as if it is the best thing since butter on toast.

  4. I’m from Australia, if any of the above comments seem a bit harsh to you – believe me they are spot on! I’ve seen several job ads openly stating ‘for aboriginals only’ with my own eyes! I’ve archived them just in case.

    Jews, liberals and perverts corrupted the very foundations of our society. Hard-working men are treated like outcasts, women are lost and confused, traditional family is ruined, children are brainwashed by left-leaning teachers, even money is not real anymore. Pretty much everything ugly is now ‘beautiful’, according to our ‘progressive’ authorities.

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