Totalitarian Bolshevik Dr. Jessica Taylor Incites SJW Mob to Take Down My Website!

Why is it that any time these “strong” feminist women get criticized, they immediately clamor for Bolshevik censorship and run to the thought police?

Why can’t she just take this criticism like the real, tough woman that she claims she is?

I called her a dyke. And she is a dyke, proudly so.

All feminists are dykes or trannies, it’s a given.

The truth is that her claims of independence, strength, etc., are all convenient masks to hide her inherent feebleness.

She cracks like a brittle cracker under the weight of jokes and some nasty names.

Boo hoo.

SJWs are pathetic worms. They’re weak and effeminate, which is why they always call on some higher state power to do their dirty work for them.


I thought these SJWs were anarchists, and yet look at them clamor for state power to silence their critics.

They are total hypocrites and phonies. They are the ultimate savage Bolsheviks who want to put all white heterosexual males in gas chambers, and then they call you a bigot for pointing out their sadistic worldview.

Why is it always the ugliest fat cows who write books about “sexual violence”? No man would actually want to commit sexual violence against a fat dyke cow like Dr. Jessica Taylor.

7 thoughts on “Totalitarian Bolshevik Dr. Jessica Taylor Incites SJW Mob to Take Down My Website!

  1. I dont care what anyone says, i want millions of muslims to conquer england, and put all women like this into sex slavery, no clit for her. Thats all white women are good for.

  2. She is just an idiot occupying a seat at a Marxist university teaching students fluff and useless theories. Offers nothing to the real world.

  3. Why is it that feminists or femidykes are the most heinous looking individuals? Check out Roz Ward (tranny) in Australia and Labor politician Penny Wong. They have to be heinous looking to go with their ideology.

  4. Women by nature are far more sadistic and evil than men, people only think otherwise because women are physically weaker. Dykes like this would castrate or kill every man if they had their way and of course they can’t deal with anybody pointing out how stupid and immoral their ideologies are. According to her it should be illegal for men to even have opinions.

    1. I agree. 3,000 abortions in the USA every single day. Since R v W, statistics say about 64 million babies killed. All because of selfish reasons, for their convenience and timing, unwantedness. Only 1% of abortions for rare emotional appeals like rape and incest. But they use the exceptionally rare to use rinse and repeat abortions. 1,2,3,4,5 abortions, it doesn’t matter for the pro-choicers whatever number is right for you. And make sure you gloat, cheer and march for that right. Three cheers for the sisterhood! Men do not come anywhere near women for killing.

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