Trump Administration Designates Russian Imperial Movement Terrorist Group

The Hill:

The Trump administration reportedly plans to designate the far-right Russian Imperial Movement as a terrorist organization, the first time the designation has been applied to a white supremacist group.

The designation will allow the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to seize assets belonging to the organization in the U.S. and prohibit Americans from financial  dealings with the group.

Officials said the U.S. will also designate three of the organization’s leaders, Stanislav Anatolyevich Vorobyev, Denis Valliullovich Gariev and Nikolay Nikolayevich Trushchalov, as terrorists, making them subject to similar sanctions at a personal level.

The group, an ultranationalist Russian organization, has aided in the recruitment of soldiers to back up pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine, and in 2017, Swedish prosecutors said three men accused of plotting bomb attacks against asylum-seekers were trained by members of the organization in St. Petersburg.

“These designations are unprecedented,” Ambassador Nathan A. Sales, the State Department’s counterterrorism coordinator, told The New York Times. “This is the first time the United States has ever designated white supremacists as terrorists, and this illustrates how seriously this administration takes the white supremacist terrorist threat. We are doing things no previous administration has done to counter this threat.”

The move comes amid pressure on the administration to apply the designation to white supremacist groups.

Rep. Max Rose (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, last year led a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asking why groups such as Ukraine’s Azov Battalion and Finland’s Nordic Resistance Movement were not designated foreign terrorist organizations.

Trump has come under increasing pressure by Jews to start labeling white nationalist groups “terrorists”. I guess he decided that if he’s going to do it, he might as well do it to some obscure Russian group that is sending militants to attack Ukraine.

The Russian Imperial Movement doesn’t appear to be white nationalist, but monarchist and Christian. If they were real white nationalists, they wouldn’t be sending dupes to Ukraine to kill white people and make war with actual white nationalists like the Azov Battalion.

All of Russia’s real white nationalists have been fined or put in prison because they were either neutral or made statements sympathetic to Ukraine when Putin invaded that country in 2014.

Trump instinctively knows that American white nationalists have been some of his biggest supporters and that if he starts designating them terrorists, he will lose all support among the nationalist right. Unfortunately, these weird Jews in his administration keep prodding him to abandon his base by making gay statements against “hate”.

Trump is in a bind and he doesn’t know what to do.

6 thoughts on “Trump Administration Designates Russian Imperial Movement Terrorist Group

  1. Ukraine is a jewish republic. Azov cannot be trusted, it’s funded by jewish billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi.
    Interestingly, he was the producer of a show which featured Zelensky, current jewish presidence of Ukraine, as… the jewish president of Ukraine. Cohencidence ?

    And of course all those ukrainian jews are against “separatism”. The russian-ukrainian war is basically just jews sending goyim to die seemingly just for fun.
    There are also chechens fighting for the ukrainian jews, which means IS. A jewish tool side by side with another.
    I’m not exactly a Putin fanboy, but if he could scorch all this vermin, i would not shed a single tear.
    Even the french jewish warmonger Bernard-Henry Levy, who’s responsible for balkan and lybia wars, stands with ukrainian “nationalists”.

    1. Kolomoiysky actually stopped funding Azov and now says that he wants to make friends with Russia.

      There were Chechens fighting on the Russian side too, sent directly by Ramzan Kadyrov.

      The fact that there are Jews in Ukraine and some have political power is no different than the fact that there are Jews in Russia and some have political/financial power, there are Jews in every Western country with financial/political power, so does that mean you want every western country to be destroyed?

      I don’t think you’re thinking straight on this issue and have just swallowed Russian propaganda.

      1. I wish to see every western country destroyed. Not their native populations, obviously, but the states. It’s just impossible to reform.
        I was for the catalan secession, not that i care about those leftists, even if Barcelona used to be a nice and safe city, compared to any french city over 10000 inhabitants, where the call to islamic prayer can be heard every evening now, if there is a mosque.
        I hoped that Catalonia doing secession, other states could face the same problems.
        All those who were against the secession were the same who applaud for the creation of Kosovo.
        Manuel Valls, catalan, french socialist minister and zionist, protested with VOX and other so-called nationalists against the catalan secession, it’s enough to me.

        I hardly buy propaganda of any kind, i agree with you Russia is a shithole ruled by a bolshevik.
        And instead of ditching islamic republics like Dagestan and Chechnia, he did everything he could to keep them and now wants to import millions. A true nationalist ruler would tell them “you want sharia and end of colonialism ? Go, you’re free now”.
        I had the same kind of exchange with a russian apologist of Putin, bragging how great Russia is, and he accused me of being a Trump supporter and russian hater high on western propaganda.

        Well i’m neither. I support secessions for a political change in every countries with white populations, since the system is always against them and will replace us all eventually.
        Same with Canada. British Colombia or Ontario don’t need those pansy “french” canadians who want to import millions french-speaking africans and will block pipeline projects in the name of the ecologist hoax. I heard there are secessionists in those places, if you have more info, feel free to share. In Brasil, southern regions, majority white, want to let niggers and indios on their own as well.
        Of course i support secessions in France, too. The state will crumble like USSR did, but it might take decades and whites will be a minority then.
        It’s already apparent. Whites are on lockdown, can get a 135€ fine, muslims and jews do as they please and the police won’t bother them.

    2. “cannot be trusted” as if you had any dealings with them that your opinion would matter. Compared to all the right wing movements in europe azov/right sector has the most solid operation going for them, including an armed military wing. So i don’t care if they take money from jewish billionaires. The NSDAP took money from jews too. If a jew would offer me money i would take it and do whatever i want with it.

      1. You make a point. Still, it’s sad ruskie nazbols and ukrainian jew-lovers are butchering each others for the chosen greatest pleasure.
        I think jews want to make ukraine their base of operations, when Israel will crumble.
        Kiev was part of Khazaria after all, and many prominent jews are from Ukraine, or of ukrainian decent, like Kaganovitch , Golda Meir and Yitshak Rabin. Cohencidence probably.
        Or Ukraine is the one true country of many ashkenazi yids, a fact often overlooked.
        And when they are done with Israel they will go back home. Yiddish prez after all. Muh based jewkrainians. I understand you guys don’t trust Putin, i don’t either, but is it enough to pretend ukrainians are the purest NatSoc ? They are not.
        Again, i don’t really care if jewkrainians and nazbol ruskies exterminate each others, more hookers for western euro brothels.

        1. Ukraine is a big white country and there are some strong WN elements there. To shit on their entire country and race because some screwy Jews are tied up in their politics, like in all white nations, is stupidity. I also support the genuine WN elements in Russia who likewise oppose Putin’s Bolshevik war in Eastern Ukraine.

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