Trump Posts Video of Drunk Slut Nancy Pelosi Telling People to Visit Chinatown During Wu-Flu Outbreak

Aryan Superman Donald Trump has exposed Nancy Pelosi as an irresponsible drunkard who encouraged people to go to Chinatown during the Wu-Flu outbreak.

Instead of telling Americans to avoid Chinatown, Chinese restaurants and other high-risk areas, Pelosi demanded that people purposely put themselves at risk of infection by putting themselves in the belly of the beast.

In fact, leftie politicians everywhere were doing the same thing, calling people “racist” for not “patroning Chinese restaurants,” in the words of illegal Guatemalan border jumper Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Maoist revolutionary Jeremy Corbyn got in on the fun.

For these deranged leftists, contracting and dying of the Wu-Flu was less important than appearing not to be “racist”.

Trump has shown that Pelosi is a demented fool and a dangerous menace to the well-being of all Americans. A Biden/Pelosi-led America is literally Armageddon. One of these two dementia-afflicted old farts will accidentally set off the nukes. A senile old fool and a drunk old hag will run the country straight through a wood-chipper and then sell off the chopped bits to Chinese billionaires.

These boomer Jew-puppet Democrats must be stopped.

One thought on “Trump Posts Video of Drunk Slut Nancy Pelosi Telling People to Visit Chinatown During Wu-Flu Outbreak

  1. Since you featured that AOC again, man I can’t even bear to look at her how ugly she fucking is. I guess that’s the side effect of being a mongrel. And the more mongrelized you are as a person the uglier you are. AOC is the living proof of that. According to her, she is the ultimate mongrel, having black, north African, Arab, Jewish, native Iberian and native American ancestry. I mean very honestly, someone should put her in jail only for how fucking ugly this woman can be. As I said yesterday, it should be illegal to be this ugly.

  2. The same shit happened in the ‘People`s Republic of New York ‘when the communist scumbag mayor De Blasio told people it was safe to eat at Chink restaurants in Chinatown, Flushing, Queens, Sunset Park and Bensonhurst in Brooklyn, and other slant eye neighborhoods. ‘Do as I say, not as I do’.

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