Wicked Cunt Alyssa Milano Still Supports Creepy Joe Biden After Sex Assault Allegations

These celeb feminists are constantly showing their hand when it comes to this fake sex hoax movement.

Hollywood In Toto:

Let’s cut actress-turned-activist Alyssa Milano some slack.

There’s no way Milano could explain away her support for Vice President Joe Biden in light of the crush of allegations against him.

Still, Milano’s belated response, after being called out across social media and by fellow #MeToo warrior Rose McGowan, is both too late and too insipid to believe.

The Democrats’ likely choice to challenge President Donald Trump this fall has a documented history of creepy behavior around women.

Much of it is on tape, too.

Now, she wants us to know “believe all women” is more nuanced than we were told.

The actress scrambled to find a friendly interviewer – Andy Cohen – to finally address the issue in play. There is no defense, of course, but her attempt says everything about her partisan purposes.

First, she attempted to explain away why she waited, and waited, to respond to the Biden allegations.

“It took me a long time to publicly share anything about Harvey [Weinstein] as well,” she told Cohen.

Not true.

The Weinstein scandal officially broke Oct. 5, 2017Milano addressed the subject directly in an Oct. 15, 2017 Tweet that helped kick start her “activism.” She may have done so even earlier, but that Tweet remains early in the scandal cycle.

The interview isn’t off to a good start, and things got worse from there, even as Cohen avoided anything close to a follow-up question. Nor did he discuss the glaring inconsistencies in her narrative.

Oh, so now she has a heart, now she doesn’t want to destroy a man’s public reputation based on an unverified accusation from a woman. All of the sudden, Milano believes in “due process” and “presumption of innocence” when it comes to her “friend” Joe Biden. This whore is obviously a hypocrite. She “believes women” only when those women accuse men who she doesn’t like, such as Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump. When women accuse her personal friends like Joe Biden, she ceases to believe. Also, she wants Biden to beat Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential race so that Senile Biden can institutionalize a progressive matriarchal dictatorship into law and castrate all white heterosexual men.

This is very typical of the femwhore movement. Everything is done and said when it is convenient and when it serves their neo-marxist political agenda to destroy conservative public figures. They always cut more slack for liberal Democrats who happen to be white males because they share the same ideological terrain, of course.

Even the darling of the #metoo sex hoax movement, Rose McGowan, is calling Milano out for not believing.


You see, this infighting shows that Mcgowan is a more principled believer of women who doesn’t believe in due process and she criticizes others in her milieu who don’t sufficiently believe women when the accused are liberal Democrat politicians committed to legislating the sex hoax agenda.

This is all so comical.

Milano’s acting career fizzled out so she took up a new career as a feminist sex hoax activist. She’s probably making more money as a sex hoaxer than she ever did acting. Thousands of young brainwashed sluts pay to see Milano speak so she can tell them that they are oppressed and victimized by Hollywood Jews without mentioning that they are Jews.

8 thoughts on “Wicked Cunt Alyssa Milano Still Supports Creepy Joe Biden After Sex Assault Allegations

  1. You CAN`T make this stuff up! This stupid twat WISHES that creepy, senile `ol Joe Biden would grope her because no self-respecting WHITE man would touch her with a ten foot pole.

      1. Trajano

        Your one randy dude ! I believe you’d fck a knot hole in a tree if it looked rt. !! I’m saying this in a humorous way by-the-by …

          1. Milano and Shannen Doherty from this stupid feminist jewish show Charmed were the stuff of my wet dreams as a kid.
            But as Howard pointed out, this skank personal life is a mess to say the least.
            The average hooker is way healthier than any hollywood slut, in body and mind.
            They are cheaper, too. I don’t understand why alot of seemingly successful men, like millionaires, marry this kind of unhinged women who will divorce them after some months and sue them for alleged violence, while they are the one committing assaults.

  2. Is this the same Milano who gloated about murdering her unborn child all those years ago so she could progress in her career? She is one really classy women!

    1. She sucked very willingly golem Harvey’s cock. Then she succeed in her career. She has been very ungrateful to poor golem Harvey.

    2. classy lady , Philippe Armstrong !!

      Personal life
      Milano has dyslexia. In a 2004 interview, she explained how she deals with the disorder:
      I’ve stumbled over words while reading from teleprompters. Sir John Gielgud, whom I worked with on The Canterville Ghost years ago, gave me great advice. When I asked how he memorized his monologues, he said, “I write them down.” I use that method to this day. It not only familiarizes me with the words, it makes them my own.[96]
      Milano was involved with The Lost Boys actor Corey Haim from 1987 to 1990. Milano and her parents, together with his manager at the time, unsuccessfully tried to get Haim help for his addiction.[97]
      In 1993, Milano became engaged to actor Scott Wolf, but they broke off their engagement the following year.
      On January 1, 1999, Milano married singer Cinjun Tate. They were divorced early in 2000.[3]
      Between 2001 and 2003, she dated her Charmed co-star, Brian Krause.
      After a year of dating, Milano became engaged to Creative Artists Agency agent David Bugliari in December 2008.[98] They married on August 15, 2009, at Bugliari’s family home in New Jersey.[99] Milano and Bugliari have a son, born in August 2011,[100] and a daughter, born in September 2014.[101][102]

      In August 2019, Milano revealed that she had undergone two abortions in 1993 while in a sexual relationship with actor Scott Wolf. Milano used birth control but became pregnant nonetheless.[108]

      In 1998, Milano sued adult websites for unauthorized use of nude images from her films.[109]
      Milano’s 2017 US $10 million lawsuit against her business manager resulted in a cross-complaint

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