Yes, Draft the Damn Women Into Front-Line Combat Duty!

You asked for equality, and now you’re gonna get it, ladies!


US women may soon achieve a level of equality not everyone wants – ending 40 years of all-male precedent by becoming eligible to be conscripted in a time of war, writes James Jeffrey.

One of the starkest ways American women have achieved equality with men in the workplace has occurred in the military.

The decision five years ago by then Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to open all positions in the armed forces to women – including combat duty – was largely applauded as a necessary step that benefited the military and society. 

But this levelling of the military playing field has led to a more divisive consequence – at the end of March the government’s National Commission on Military, National and Public Service declared it is now time that women become eligible for the military draft – the procedure by which individuals are chosen for conscription – just like their male counterparts between the ages of 18 and 25.

Equality that “not everybody wants”. That says it all, doesn’t it?

Women only want “equality” when it serves their interests, and then they don’t want equality when it doesn’t.

Just like how women don’t demand “equal representation” in jobs that suck, like anything involving manual labour (fishing, trucking, mining, construction, brick laying, etc.). Women are more than happy to let men do all the dirty and dangerous jobs in society, while they take it easy in the air conditioned office answering phones and typing up spreadsheets.

Women want the easy life, nothing more. They don’t want to toil, they don’t want to break a sweat. They want men to service them while they push papers around the office or flash their genitalia in front of a webcam for strangers to jerk off to.

Women want comfort, nothing more.

I say we put them on the front lines. I say we send them straight to Afghanistan to face off with the Taliban and ISIS.

Hell, we need to start a new war just so we can send some women to the battlefield!

Gear up, ladies!

2 thoughts on “Yes, Draft the Damn Women Into Front-Line Combat Duty!

  1. No sweat, jews will have them hoes humping the Zagros Mountains. The Iranians will have the highest kill rate n history (even they don’t want those nasty ass hoes). You do know they ain’t taking no waman prisoners, all the whining, bitching and complaining that would entail.
    This is where the groyper movement comes in, with the female attrition due to combat (we all know those zoomer faggots will finagle deferments and many other ways to avoid combat) we will be left like China, lower female to male ratio.
    This is were the PLAN comes into effect, catboy, anime love, ole fashioned cuckoldry, and PRIESTHOOD and blame it all on the BOOMERS!

  2. Sounds good. Bully to the accelerationists in the pentagram. Any guy who is good as a soldier is not in the military anyway. They have all left and are merceneries (contractors).

    The next war may just be privitized, someone like Erik Prince will get the contract.

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