All Nazbols Need to Self-Deport to Russia, China or Guatemala

What we have to understand about these Nazbols is that their only purpose is to demoralize white people and convince us to give up the fight.

That’s why they’re constantly pushing foreign countries and causes on us, glorifying Nazbol regimes like North Korea, Venezuela, Russia and China, telling us to focus on the plight of Palestinians instead of our own, and demanding that instead of fighting for the survival of our cultures we should just become human meat shields in various geopolitical conflicts for foreign dindus.

This is the modus operandi of the Nazbol/TRS/Spencer faction and their acolytes. It’s all that they push. They push punditry about American internal affairs just to rake in the paywall shekels for their websites, but they always circle back to the familiar negative rhetoric about how America, Europe and the broader West is dead and can’t be saved. They mouth contradictory and confusing talking points. They are tripping on black pilled nihilism, and they want you to overdose on it as well.

So the big question is, why are these people still in the West if they believe it’s a lost cause? What are they trying to accomplish? Why bother with any of this? Are they here merely to serve as subversives and agents of demoralization? It appears so. There can be no other reason that they choose to reside in societies that they’ve written off. Why don’t they leave and embrace the dindu paradise abroad? They are following a Duginist script which advises to “portray the United States and the West as the geographical Satan” in order to lay the groundwork for the Russo-Sino-Islamic geopolitical victory over the West. Is this not what they do? Is this not what they dream of?

Nicaraguan Nazbol’s welfare dream is over.

These people point at the decadent nature of Western societies, which we all agree has happened and must be reversed. But they point at this not with the intention of making things better, but with the goal of convincing white people to abandon their homelands, their race, their culture and become cannon fodder for the Eurasian anti-racist Mongol project of Dugin.

That’s what this is all about, folks.

The reason the West is worse off than some of these other countries in the cultural sphere is because the Jews behind Cultural Marxism have been attacking the West for the past 200 (if not 2,000) years. All of these perversions came out of the Frankfurt School and the various decadent social movements that Jews and their useful idiots have led in order to bring us down.

Bolivian Nazbol has to go home.

These Jews are not attacking those other countries as vociferously as they are ours, at least not in the cultural sense. Only the moslem countries directly opposed to Israel get done in. That’s because Jews don’t have all that much interest in subverting the cultures of non-whites at the moment. Their principal target is whites. We are in this sorry state because beguiling Jews imposed it on us through decades of perfidious subversion.

To deflect opprobrium away from these Jews and onto some generic boogeyman called “the West” or “Western liberalism” is nothing more than a Duginist sleight of hand to deliver the Jews a victory over whites. Dugin, like the neo-marxist Jews of the Frankfurt School, wants to see the West fall decisively so he can flood it with Eurasian nomads and moslems and have the KGB rule over us. He has a similar goal of these rabid Jews, he just uses different terminology to trick his target into thinking he wants to help them, in the hopes of recruiting useful idiots to aid him in our destruction.

Illegal immigrant Nazbol being deported back to Guatemala.

Our job is to save our civilization, not give up on it or sell it out to some other civilization. Anyone trying to distract us from pro-white activism should be viewed with extreme suspicion.

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