Boring Jewish Homo Dave Rubin Wants You to Embrace Race-Blind Classical Liberalism

Dave Rubin is a boring Jewish fag.

His grift is to say that he’s the real classical liberal who doesn’t see race, but that the progressives of today are not real liberals because they emphasize race, gender, and other identity categories to drive their manic policy proposals of radical wealth redistribution.

I can agree with Rubin on the craziness of the Modern Left, but his response to their deviousness is to tell white people not to play the game of identity politics and to double down on radical individualism.

This is the classical subversion of a Jewish gatekeeper. He wants to stall the white backlash to the anti-whiteness of the Radical Left. He knows that the mounting racial hostility against whites being espoused by leftists will drive whites towards the Alt-Right, and he wants to interrupt that process by keeping whites in the soft, safe center.

But Mr. Rubin is a raging hypocrite. Rubin is a Zionist Jew. He’s never said that Israel should abandon its group identity as a Jewish state and become a mass of “radical individuals” who don’t see race and religion. In fact, he supports the ethnocentric polices of Israel and Netanyahu. Now why is that?

We know why. As a supremacist racial Jew, Rubin’s mission is to preserve Jewish identity while preaching to the goyim that identity doesn’t matter. The goyim races will all fade out into an atomized mass of consumers while the Jews retain their strong tribal bonds and take over the world.

It’s like clockwork.

Obviously, progressives and the far-left emphasize race as an attack on white people. We on the alt-right emphasize it to demonstrate that non-white racial groups just don’t fit in, nor do they bring anything positive to our societies.

These people are not needed whatsoever. There is no overwhelming benefit to having non-whites in our lands. They can’t do anything for us that whites can’t do ourselves and do better. What they do bring is a slew of negatives, such as crime, drugs, bizarre cultural practices, foreign religions and whiny campaigns to get favored status by our governments. So why are they here?

They’re here because Jews have brought them here to dilute the white racial group and make us impotent slaves to Jewish finance capital. Non-whites are a shield that Jews use to scuttle white identity which has a tendency to reject Jewish oligarchic rule.

It’s really that simple.

One thought on “Boring Jewish Homo Dave Rubin Wants You to Embrace Race-Blind Classical Liberalism

  1. Are you an antisemite or just a complete idiot? I am not Jewish but know my history as well as the demographic and governing facts of Israel. Israel is the only nation in the entire middle east where large populations of various ethnicities and religions living together in a free democratic society. Israel has over 1.5MM muslims living in the country as well as a vast population of Arab Christians amongst others. The government has Arab Muslim as well as Christian officials serving within the Israeli government. The laws and governing of Israel is dictated by strict adherence to Jewish religiosity about as much as the U.S. is governed by strict Christianity. Saying Israel has a Jewish identity is like saying the U.S. has a christian identity. The facts and reality show Israel is much closer to radical individualism rather than a monolithic Jewish state. Just thought the actual facts should be made clear. Not some distortion based on personal animosity or ideology. Which is exactly how the left operates!

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