Canada: Man Charged With Terrorism Linked to Incel Ideology

These insane liberal elites have crafted an untenable society in which unrestrained female hypergamy is encouraged, even glorified by the state; while men are constantly derided as expendable trash who exist only to serve the whims of females and then they moan about the blowback to their Frankenstein monster.


Canadian teenager who may have been influenced by the misogynistic ideas of the incel movement was charged with terrorist activity Tuesday in relation to the stabbing death of a woman in February.

The suspect, whose identity has not been released due to his age, already faced charges of first-degree murder and attempted murder after allegedly committing an attack on a spa which left one woman dead and two others suffering from multiple stab wounds at a Toronto massage parlor.

After evidence was uncovered that the suspect may have been motivated to commit the crimes by ideas espoused by the incel (involuntary celibate) movement, Canadian authorities classified the attacks as terrorist activities. The case marks the first time in Canada that an individual has been charged with a crime connected to the incel movement.

According to a Tuesday news release from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, “this crime was in fact one in which the accused was inspired by the Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE) movement commonly known as INCEL.”

“Terrorism comes in many forms,” the release said, “and it’s important to not that it is not restricted to any particular group, religion or ideology.”

You can bet entire new divisions of the spooks are dedicating resources to tracking ‘incels’ online. No attempt will be made to address the grievances of these alleged incels, they will simply be pathologized as maladaptive to the modern gynocentric world of vagina worship and male servility.

The homosexual-feminist regime’s mandate is to rigidly enforce the new gynocentric order without the slightest concern for male interests or desires. Giving women carte blanche to exploit men and then dash on a whim is the imperative of this new matriarchal system. Women are conditioned to view themselves as superior to men, as prizes to be won by ‘worthy’ men who puke out cash at women’s feet.

Incels and MGTOW have ballooned precisely as a result of the exploitative cult called “women’s liberation” gaining control of national Western governments. Modern technology and society has given women a million romantic options that men could only dream of having. This has led to a wide-scale sex drought for millions of young men who can’t meet the impossible standards of modern narcissistic harlots who are one Tinder swipe away from a ‘new catch’.

Hypergamy is glorified by the popular Jewish media. ‘Trading up’ is hailed as ‘female empowerment’. Women are ’empowering themselves’ by fucking hundreds of dudes and giving none of them a real chance at a lasting relationship. These are sluts on steroids. These are whores on juice.

Normal guys stand no chance in this brutal dating market, especially middle class white guys who have been designated personas non grata by the satanic Jewish entertainment machine.

Granted, some of these incels could be doing a lot more to make themselves more appealing to these modern, self-centered, ego-driven females. But the competition is so stiff and females’ standards so high that no matter how big your muscles are or how pruned your facial hair is, all that matters at the end of the day is having a fat wallet.

4 thoughts on “Canada: Man Charged With Terrorism Linked to Incel Ideology

  1. Hello,
    Although I am well aware you are allowed to speak from your point of view and or opinion on a topic, this is absolutely disgusting. Not that it’ll mean anything, but I am a conservative and a Christian and I think that your articles are full purely of hate and gross slurs. I have maybe never seen anything as repulsive as this, I hope you eventually realize how nasty this way of thinking is in the near future. Thanks.

    1. If you would read the Bible you would know all his criticisms are correct.

      “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

      “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18

      “Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” Hebrews 13:4

  2. I take some comfort in the fact that after the age of 25-30 those females who were so goddamn picky about finding Mr. Perfect are going to have to settle for Mr. Any Guy Will Do, because once those broads hit that Wall nobody will want them!🙌

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