Evil Whore Harvard Professor Wants to Ban Homeschooling Because Most People Doing it Are Conservative Christians

The power-hungry intelligentsia at Harvard want to take your children away from you and put them in an indoctrination center called a public school where they will be taught about anal sex and non-binary gender expression.


Harvard law professor Elizabeth Bartholet doubled down Friday on her attacks against homeschooling, underscoring further her view that homeschooling parents are primarily “right-wing Christian conservatives” who may be abusing their children.

In an interview with the Harvard Gazette, Bartholet continued her call for a “presumptive ban” on homeschooling, this time further describing what she views as a form of education dominated by Christian conservative parents who engage in “maltreatment” of their children.

“Over the past decades, right-wing Christian conservatives became the dominant group in terms of numbers, and they completely took over in terms of political activism,” Bartholet stated. “Their power has to do with their ideological fervor, their tactics, and the absence of any significant organized opposition. Many academics and the biggest teachers’ unions in the country have found homeschooling deeply problematic.”

Bartholet had been scheduled in June to present to an invited-only audience her call for a vast injection of state control over what she describes as the “unregulated regime” of homeschooling.

Harvard Law School postponed the conference, however, stating the reason as “COVID-19.”

The summit was to have gathered various education policy and child welfare advocates “to discuss child rights in connection with homeschooling in the United States.”

The focus of the conference had been “problems of educational deprivation and child maltreatment that too often occur under the guise of homeschooling, in a legal environment of minimal or no oversight.”

This globalist vampire wants to frame homeschooling as “abuse” of children precisely because she wants to take your children and force them to be read stories by transsexual perverts.

It is public schools who are abusing children, forcing them to read stories about “two dads” and “two moms” and how “mommy has a penis” and “daddy has a vagina”.


Many Christian conservatives rightly don’t want their children exposed to such reprobate filth. Homeschooling is a way to protect them from the child abuse occurring in the pervert-controlled public school system.

But the Jew and homosexual demons at Harvard don’t want that. They don’t believe in parental rights, or any individual rights at all. They believe that the state can decide what goes into your children’s head. They even believe the state can regulate what you think, feel and say. The state will determine which form of deviant homosexualism or transsexualism will be imposed on your children so they become obedient cogs in the ZOG death machine.

6 thoughts on “Evil Whore Harvard Professor Wants to Ban Homeschooling Because Most People Doing it Are Conservative Christians

  1. Wanton wench assuredly turns her fat nose up in disgust when a blue-collar worker enters the room.

    1. Those Harvard liberals are arrogant snobs and assholes who’ve got nothing but contempt for people who actually work for a living.

  2. Christianity is not conservative at all, Jesus was jew and first Marxist and Paul the Apostle was to jew. And everything what Bible teach is destructive. For example ” turn the other cheek” or ” better be living dog than dead lion”

    “Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it’s the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it’s all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both.” – Adolf Hitler


    1. Screw off Satanist. Christians built the post-Roman world, if you don’t like it form your own atheist country and see how long it lasts.

      -No Christian nation had open borders or replacement migration until the 1960’s.
      -Catholic leaders regularly deported Jews, Arabs and Gypsies from Europe.
      -The Church supported wars as long as they were just (including Crusades, colonization of America, Battle of Tours, etc.)
      -The Bible talks about the separation of races in Genesis. Church fathers like Augustine always acknowledged that race is real.
      -The Pope in the 30’s said that race is “fundamental and honourable”, and that preserving one’s race is fine as long as it’s done out of love.
      -Tobit 4:12 in the Bible explicitly promotes the idea of wedding a woman of your own kin.
      -Christians had no issue with segregation and anti-miscegenation laws in the US until after WW2.
      -The middle east and north Africa were white before they mixed with black Africans and Arabs. You can look at art and descriptions of the men who lived in the area, they were clearly caucasian. Google “sepphoris synagogue”.
      -Jesus is literally described as “white and ruddy” in the Song of Solomon (which is an allegory of Christ and his Church).
      -Spain kicked out Arabs and Jews after the Reconquista and implemented “purity of blood” laws that the Church accepted.
      -Catholics, Orthodox Christians and Lutherans fought against Turkey to save Europe from Muslims.
      -“Turn the other cheek” is good advice for dealing with conflict but has nothing to do with war. We have something called the “just war” theory.

  3. Marxists and liberals have always seen homeschooling as an obstacle to their ambitions. They have declared war on children and use children as shields. Children who are stable and come from conservative Christian families are of no use to them. They are not progressive. George Orwell on steroids-good is evil, evil is good.

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