Jewish Bulldyke Miriam Margolyes Says She Wanted Boris Johnson to Die of Coronavirus

It looks like the Jewish bulldykes in England are turning Johnson into an Orange Man Bad hate figure.

New York Post:

English actress Miriam Margolyes raised eyebrows during an appearance on Britain’s Channel 4 Friday after telling hosts of the program “The Last Leg” that part of her wished to see Prime Minister Boris Johnson die of COVID-19.

“I had difficulty not wanting Boris Johnson to die. I wanted him to die,” Margolyes, who is most known to US audiences for her role as Professor Sprout in the “Harry Potter” film series, told show hosts.

“Then I thought that will reflect badly on me and I don’t want to be the sort of person that wants people to die,” she continued. “So then I wanted him to get better, which he did do, he did get better. But he didn’t get better as a human being. And I really would prefer that.”

Margolyes, 78, a longtime Labour party activist, was responding to a question about her views of how the British government was handling the coronavirus crisis — which she criticized as “appalling.”

All you have to do is take one good look at her to understand her political positions.

I searched for her name in google images and this was the first result.

I don’t quite understand why this dyke hates Johnson who is a Jew-loving buffoon who loves sodomites and Pakis.

He even gave disgusting praise to the moslem conquest of Spain.

Johnson is a Trojan Horse liberal globalist within the UK Conservative Party.

The UK Conservative Party has always been little more than Jewish liberalism masked as conservatism.

This same party throws all of its weight behind the Jewish ethnostate in Israel and its cleansing of Palestinians while hailing multiculturalism for the Britons.

This is a classic case of the most extremist perverse neo-marxist Jews hating on any politician that happens to be a white male even if he’s a definitive cuck like Boris Johnson.

3 thoughts on “Jewish Bulldyke Miriam Margolyes Says She Wanted Boris Johnson to Die of Coronavirus

  1. Well they play on both sides and network in ways not always obvious to keep control and to confuse everyone.

    Make no mistake, Boris Johnson is not British any more than Benjamin Disraeli was.
    The press likes to mislead the British people into thinking that having jewish ancestors doesn’t necessarily make someone “jewish”, which is preposterous.
    . . . But this is how the game is played in British power politics. The Jews now have fellow Jews, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn, controlling both the conservatives and liberals, and everything in between.

    The British are a conquered people and have become strangers in their own land.
    Between the Jews that rule over them and the Muslims and Blacks who now comprise that majority of new births in the country, they are slated for marginalization, replacement, and extinction.

    But they can’t say they weren’t warned by the likes of Enoch Powell and Oswald Mosley that this is what the Jews had planned for them.

  2. “Margolyes was born in Oxford on 18 May 1941,[2] the only child of Ruth (née Walters; 1905–1974), an English property investor and developer, and Joseph Margolyes (1899–1995), a Scottish physician from the Gorbals area of Glasgow.[3][4] She grew up in a Jewish family,[5][6][7] with ancestors who moved to the UK from Belarus and Poland. ”

    Her face is hideous looking; even the gargoyle would attract me more … !

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