Muh Fashy Bookshelf Interviews Brandon Martinez About Alt-Right Issues

I spoke with Muh Fashy Bookshelf about all the juicy topics that I cover here on the website: feminism, Jewish subversion, and solutions for whites in this pozzed modern world.

Sub to his Bitchute channel here.

2 thoughts on “Muh Fashy Bookshelf Interviews Brandon Martinez About Alt-Right Issues

  1. MDW = Monkeys Devastating Whites: A New Tradition for Memorial Day Weekend

    [Color Problem]

    Stay vigilant out there this weekend cracker-jacks! And anticipate an exceptionally violent weekend as low IQ joggers will be looking to exact revenge on whitey for the justified self-defense “murder” of Ahmaud Arbery.

    These sub-Saharan simians typically attack whites on this holiday for sport. Because, “you know, whitey deserved it for slavery and shiiieeet, nigga.”

    A quick Jewgle search to corroborate these racially motivated attacks will likely be a fruitless endeavor; as government officials, police departments, and local news outlets work in a concerted effort to cover up the crimes in order to create an illusion that their colored cities appear safer and more economically viable.

    Any national media coverage of black on white violence would be contrary to the Jewish television allegory of the suppressed negro and privileged white.

    Anyone interested in digging a little deeper should check out the work of writer Colin Flaherty. He has done a tremendous job at uncovering the violence that has permeated America’s federal holidays in harrowingly accurate detail.

    Stay alert and safe out there folks!

  2. First off Fight Club is a homoerotic fantasy.
    White women have become the most privileged group (discounting jews) via affirmative action/quotas. That more than any action has destroyed the patriarchy (patrone) which has been the bedrock of European society. The Roman Patronage System maintained reciprocity in Roman society. This was the glue that held Roman society (all classes) together, it’s institutions lasting into the 19th-20th century.
    The full force of the affirmative action sledge hammer with white women at the peen of the anvil striking directly on the head of European men (patriarchy).
    This has shattered the weakest, lack of proper eugenics another mainstay of Western European society has swelled the nations with many weak men.
    For these men the road for todays white male is too long and too hard, their only hope is to transition into white women some even chopping off their dicks.
    Now, if white women could at the very least fulfill all the duties of maintaining Western European society. Not progressing Western European society only maintaining Western European society, like the song says ‘the future is so bright I gotta wear shades’.
    But that is impossible at the biological level.

  3. This was a great conversation, great guest! We need more of these!
    The voice of Fashy Bookshelf actually sounded like the voice of Ted Cruz. 😀

  4. Love hearing interviews like this. Great work. Agreed with most everything said by you guys.

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