Norway: State TV Features Hijab-Wearing Muslim on Ad for Constitution Day

The Norwegian government is signaling to its citizens that moslems are the new dominant culture in their country.

Why else would they put a hijab-wearing moslem on an ad about Constitution Day?

The new constitution of Norweigistan is the Koran.

Voice of Europe:

Norwegian state broadcaster NRK has angered many by promoting the hijab in a commercial for Norway’s soon-to-be celebrated Constitution Day. 

Some Norwegians are outraged after the broadcaster, in a promotional ad for Norway’s national day of independence on May 17th, featured a woman in a hijab standing next to the Norwegian flag.

“Is promoting a hijab in line with NRK’s mission? Hijab stands for something else than what we are celebrating wrote Jan Otto Viken from Resett Norway

This isn’t the first time NRK has prompted widespread anger during their coverage of Constitution Day. In 2015, the broadcaster feature the Norwegian flag without the cross so as not to offend any religious minorities.

And recently, Linda Noor – a Norwegian convert to Islam and the leader of the government sponsored think tank Minotenk – defended a Muslim man’s “right” to have more than one wife, the news portal Rights Norway reported.

This kind of treason can’t go on. Whoever is responsible for this ad must be brought to trial for criminal treason against the Norwegian nation.

The Norwegian nation is white and the accepted religions are Christianity and paganism. Moslems can’t ever be a part of that. They are too distant and alien to ever have a place in this white country.

Multicultural propaganda is an anti-white hate crime.

0 thoughts on “Norway: State TV Features Hijab-Wearing Muslim on Ad for Constitution Day

  1. Talking about Scandinavia, you were talking to someone in Sweden on the phone yesterday at around 17:45-18:00, right? And you were talking, among other things, about the Coronavirus.

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