Odious Jew Bitch Lisa Bloom Hates White People

It goes without saying that the daughter of feminist gargoyle Gloria Allred would be a heinous Jew bitch committed to the destruction of white people.

Bloom is a nation-wrecking lawyer who promotes feminist hoaxes like #metoo designed to emasculate white men and drive infertility and lesbianism in white women. A traditional Jewish attack on the white Gentile host population so that it can’t compete with the intensely tribal and plutocratic Jewish race.

As the Telegram channel The Noticer has so extensively documented, these crafty Jews shape-shift from white to non-white depending on the situation. When they want to guilt-trip white people, these chameleon Jews will speak as “fellow whites” in order to give themselves an air of credibility in their attempts to induce guilt feelings and self-hatred among us.

But when their audience is black and brown, they magically transform into a “non-white” minority group who have solidarity and common interests with other racial minorities.

The Eternal Jew operates in a constant state of deception to hoodwink his goyim victims.

4 thoughts on “Odious Jew Bitch Lisa Bloom Hates White People

  1. Jews have never made any secret of their pathological fear and loathing of the goyim. Even their films, when properly understood, reveal that pathology.

  2. As long as the jew keeps the old moneyed Europeans in the lap of wealth and luxury, he can have his way with you.

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