Terrorist Pedo Raghead Ali Khamenei Shills for Black Lives Matter Thugs in Minneapolis

The pedophile leader of the Iranian raghead regime, Ali Khameni, has tweeted out a risible video shilling for the Afro-American race in a predictable Islamic terrorist attempt to besmirch White America.

He quickly got owned by other Twitter users who pointed out that Islam and the Koran approve of slavery and moslems ran one of the biggest African slave trades in recorded history.

Iran has one of the highest, if not the highest, rate of execution in the world with the favored method of hanging. Iranians can get executed for just about anything, including renouncing the medieval Islamic religion or “blaspheming” the pedophile Prophet Muhammed by not accepting him as god’s messenger or mentioning his sadistic rape of a nine year old girl.

Islam is one of the most murderous ideologies in the world whose followers have consistently gone on lurid rampages against infidels.

Moslems are among the most bloodthirsty global serial killers, rivaling the carnage wrought by Ghengis Khan’s Mongol armies.

Moslems kill for the sole reason that the Koran tells them that it’s desirable to exterminate infidels or convert them to Islam.

Other than nihilistic suicide terrorism, moslems are also the leading global practitioners of anal rape, preferring child or goat victims. Ali Khamenei of Iran is one of the preeminent child-fucking pederasts in the whole world. Jeffrey Epstein had nothing on Khamenei who believes that it is his religious duty to personally sodomize all Iranian boys under the age of 10.

4 thoughts on “Terrorist Pedo Raghead Ali Khamenei Shills for Black Lives Matter Thugs in Minneapolis

  1. The Iranians are Shi’ites, which is the “good” kind of Islam, as opposed to the Sunnis, who are the violent, irrational types. I’m no expert in Persian history but I don’t think they controlled the African nigger slave trade. That was done by the jews, Arabs and Turks.

  2. keith woods and eric striker say that iranians are other sand people are natural allies vs the jew

  3. He reminds me of Putin quite a bit. It just goes to show these ragheads will work with J leftists against us.

  4. I once had an Iranian classmate and at one lecture, the teacher mentioned about the Baha’i Faith. My God, this former classmate of mine he got fired up only at hearing about them. Those who believe in the Baha’i Faith often get killed in Iran. Persians may speak Indo-European languages, but they are no less Sand Nigger-ish than other Middle Eastern populations.

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