The Martinez Manifesto: For a New European Man

I think it’s a good time to put into words a brief summary of my beliefs; a political manifesto of sorts.

I like to keep things simple, concise and digestible for the common man. I don’t like to be vague, esoteric and overly philosophical. I don’t like to be long-winded, either. That’s for bespectacled wimps. I use clear-cut language and I’m direct. My readers appreciate that, I think.

Let’s begin.

1- White countries for white people / Blood and soil

The central pillar underpinning my belief system is the concept of Blood and Soil. I believe every race should have a living space that only they can inhabit, cultivate and sustain for their people. I believe that all white countries should exist for the exclusive benefit and advancement of the white-European ethnic group (or groups) that founded those countries. As an example, that means that the country of England should preserve itself as an English nation where the vast majority of people living there are of genetic English stock. Hungary for the Hungarians, Spain for the Spaniards, Germany for the Germans, France for the French, etc.

This also includes the former colonies of the Anglosphere (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.). Us North American whites are a bit different to European whites in that we are often mixtures of two or more European ethnic groups. Which is why we call ourselves whites, a more general term for people of European genetic descent. The English-speaking countries of the Anglosphere must likewise be preserved as countries where whites are the overwhelming majority and white-European culture, art, architecture, values, and consciousness is supreme.

2- Whites-only immigration

To preserve the existence of white people and white countries, only other white people should be allowed into white countries through the process of immigration, to the exclusion of other groups. Specific laws should be written and enforced which make it illegal for non-white groups to enter our territory. Only white refugees and asylum seekers fleeing conflicts in white countries should be accepted into other white countries.

3 – Repatriation of non-whites

White people are headed towards a demographic catastrophe. White people comprise only 11.5% of the world’s population, according to some estimates. We are in fact a small global minority. We are in danger of extinction. The birthrates in all white countries are hazardously low, and non-white mass immigration is rapidly diluting our race.

The only way to reverse our looming racial (and by extension cultural) extinction is by repatriating the non-whites who have invaded our lands. We must offer voluntary repatriation to all those non-whites who wish to return to their homelands or the homelands of their parents. But we all know that voluntary repatriation is unlikely to happen, since the countries these people came from are inferior to ours. Thus, at some point in the future involuntary repatriation of these people must be enacted in order to save our race and culture.

In North America, the presence of some non-whites is legitimate, such as Afro-Americans and Amerindians. I believe an amicable separation of these races can be achieved. Certain territories can be allotted to blacks, Amerindians, and mixed people. And whites will have a part of the land exclusively for whites. The land can be divided based on population size. Seeing that whites are the largest ethnic group in America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, whites will be given a larger percentage of land for living space.

3 – Traditional culture

I oppose all leftist ideas, unequivocally. The current power structure in most Western countries has legislated against our right-wing, traditionalist and conservative ideals. Many Western countries have gone all in on nonsensical fantasies like equality, feminism, sexual liberation and multiculturalism. All of these concepts are wildly misguided and patently harmful to white people. We see the disastrous effects of these things today, in spades.

In order to sustain the corrupt anti-white systems which are predicated on these failed and incoherent leftist ideas, ostensibly “Democratic” states have had to employ large-scale censorship of opinion and speech to suppress dissent against their policies. These leftist ideas cannot be argued for rationally in the marketplace of ideas because they are based on myths, untruths, emotions and illogic. So, from the perspective of our faux egalitarian rulers, censorship is needed to prevent critique and scrutiny being applied to them. Draconian “social harmony” laws have been implemented to punish people who express discontent with this globalist melting pot dystopia forced down our throats by the neo-marxist social engineers.

I support a traditionalist culture that emphasizes family, fraternity, and brotherhood for white people. We are one race and must help each other along the path of life when times get tough. I seek to instill feelings of pride and patriotism in all whites, for our individual nations and our race and civilization as a whole.

All European countries must unite in brotherhood and solidarity. Only then can we vanquish the foes of our people.

4 – For traditional gender roles & against satanic feminism

I believe in the natural hierarchy (man > woman > child) that has sustained our civilization for thousands of years. This hierarchy should be reflected in the family unit as well as in the broader society. Men in front, women behind in support roles, children nurtured and raised with traditional values by their parents.

Women should be encouraged to dedicate their lives to motherhood. If they are unfit for motherhood for some genetic or health reason, then they can enter the workforce. But generally women must be discouraged from pursuing soul-crushing careers that bring them nothing but emptiness and misery. Women today who pursue fancy college degrees and careers in the Jewish-dominated industries of finance, marketing and entertainment have been weaponized by our enemies to abandon their culture by becoming childless hedonists obsessed with casual sex, makeup and obtaining Jewish fiat currency.

Feminism is a satanic movement driven by a pathological hatred of men, of motherhood and of children. It teaches women to loathe masculinity and femininity and to strive towards androgyny (a genderless world). It preaches nihilism and self-worship. It engenders divisive politics in order to achieve white racial infertility. Ultimately, the goal of this movement is to precipitate white genocide by persuading all white women to become infertile lesbians with violent fantasies of castrating all men.

This movement must be destroyed if our race is to survive.

5 – Against degeneracy (homosexuals, transsexuals, deviants)

I am opposed to all forms of degeneracy.

The consumption of drugs is a major form of degeneracy impacting many whites today. As is excessive alcohol consumption. Gambling too. We need to ban all drugs and put severe restrictions on alcohol consumption as well as gambling. These vices often go together and suck people into a whirlpool of self-destructive behaviour. Many white lives have been ruined and thrown away because of drugs, alcohol and gambling.

I oppose all forms of sexual degeneracy. Like drugs and alcohol, sex is a vice that can destroy one’s life. Promiscuity must be discouraged and criticized through strident social shaming. Promiscuous people are degenerates who chase after lusts like drug addicts chase after a high. We need to destroy hook up culture and promote traditional monogamous relationships between men and women. Anything outside of the traditional monogamous relationship shall be declared aberrant and repulsive. People who promote polyamory or casual sex and random hook-ups with strangers will be ostracized as sick-brained kooks who belong in a mental hospital.

Homosexual sex in particular is degenerate, a reprobate act that all major religions and most major cultures have deemed deviant and sinful since time immemorial. Male and female homosexuals should be stridently pressured to change their harmful and deviant lifestyles and become normal again. Homosexuals are walking contagions who spread deadly diseases through anal penetration. No sane society would encourage and promote this kind of behaviour.

We must emphasize that sex is principally a reproductive activity and not merely a way to get pleasure. The monetization of sex is wicked and depraved.

Transsexuals are mentally ill defects and should be put in mental hospitals where doctors can fix their brains. Transgender surgeries and hormone therapy must be outlawed. Cross-dressers should be put in prison or in a tranny zoo where people can point and laugh at them until they give up the fetish.

I think pornography should be banned and the porn industry eradicated. Porn has destroyed our culture. Smut is becoming exceedingly reprobate and satanic, encouraging all manner of heinously deviant and degrading sexual practices. It offers no benefit to society, and causes incredible harm. It is like heroin for the mind. Men and women of our race who partake in porn are demonic filth who have contributed to the death of our civilization. Porn is a cultural weapon used by Jews and leftists to undermine our morals and weaken our resolve as a people.

Sexual perversions like BDSM, orgies, swingers clubs, etc., must all be banned and any known practitioners of these satanic lifestyles ruthlessly shamed and made into social lepers.

Pedophiles should get the rope.

6 – For a mixed economy

There is a lot of autistic economic talk in our circles. What we need to realize is that saving our race is paramount…. economic matters are a secondary issue that can be sorted out at a later time.

I, for one, am not a dogmatist about the economy. There are many economic styles or systems that could potentially work, but I generally lean towards the mixed economy. Too much central planning and regulation is bad, and no planning or regulation at all is also bad. Either extreme will lead to corruption and ultimately to economic failure.

What we need to emphasize is that the economy must serve the national interest of our people. We must strive to give all citizens gainful employment and remunerate them accordingly. Towards this goal a certain level of regulation is necessary to discourage greedy behavior (such as that of multinational corporations exporting labour to cheap third world countries) that jeopardizes the jobs of our citizens. The government should step in to punish any misbehavior that doesn’t serve our country’s interests. But too much economic power in the hands of the state can also lead to severe corruption and hamper the economy, such as a system of tributes that corrupt authorities use to extort entrepreneurs and workers of their hard-earned money.

The economy is a tool to sustain the well-being of our people. We want to ensure a high standard of living for all citizens. I believe that this would imply a certain amount of economic freedom. Too much bureaucratic red tape will discourage citizens from creating businesses and enjoying the fruits of their labour. A man must enjoy the fruits of his labour. People need to be incentivized to work. If a man can’t potentially increase his income through hard work or a creative business idea, then all you’ll get is stagnation and discontent.

Some social welfare programs like unemployment insurance, food drives, etc., should exist as a social safety net for our people who aren’t able to find work and for those with disabilities that prevent them from working.

7 – For private property

I am for private property. This compliments the Blood and Soil philosophy very well. Just as our race needs a collective living space to flourish, individual men and women of the country need their own living space to cultivate a family and a legacy. A man needs to own something to give him purpose. A plot of land that he can call his own is just what nature intended for our race.

The state can also own some of the land such as public parks, wildlife reserves, forests, etc., which will be protected and preserved for the benefit of our citizens and perhaps tourists.

8 – Taxes

On taxes there are two options: the progressive tax or the flat tax. I believe most Western countries use the progressive tax system right now. I would have to investigate the pros and cons of these systems further, but I lean towards the progressive tax as the super-wealthy can afford to pay more tax than lower income people who are living paycheck to paycheck just to survive. People who earn millions or billions per year should be encouraged to be philanthropic with their wealth in the interests of our nation and race. Currently, most Western billionaires toss their money away towards pointless and fruitless causes like feeding people in Africa and the third world. They should be using that money to empower less fortunate whites or invest it in national projects that further our national interests and economy. We have our own people to take care of and we really don’t owe the rest of the world charity.

9 – Healthcare

I believe that a national health service that all taxpaying citizens can use freely is a good idea. If you’re paying taxes, then you should get some decent services in return. One of them is basic health care. At the same time, private health care can be made available to people who want to pay extra to get quicker and superior service. Obviously most people will use the free national service, but if you don’t want to wait in lines and you have the money, I see no reason why private hospitals can’t offer that kind of service to people. In fact, that is a reality in most European countries already, you have both public and private health care.

10 – Education

Public education must be regulated by the state to ensure the correct nationalist and conservative values are being emphasized. All children will be taught patriotism, traditionalism, love of race and country. LGBT perverts will not be allowed to insert their propaganda into curriculum any longer.

I’m not against the idea of also having private schools to give families the option of paying for a better quality school. We already have that now in most Western countries. Same goes for universities. There are public and private universities. People can choose which one they wish to attend. The public colleges will obviously be much cheaper for citizens if not free.

11 – Media

The media should be at least partially controlled by the state so that we can get the right nationalist and patriotic message to our people. Under private ownership, the media becomes a tool of self-interested plutocrats who will use it to further their own private interests, often at the expense of the nation. I would allow some private media, even critical media. But I would certainly advise cracking down on the promotion of deviant and anti-social tendencies like transgenderism, feminism and homosex. Those things have no place in a healthy society.

12 – Abortion

Abortion should be illegal except in the cases of rape, incest or for health emergencies.

13 – Gun Rights

I believe in gun ownership for law-abiding citizens with a background check.

13 – Against Supremacist Jewry

I believe that Jews are a hostile enemy of our race and must be excluded from our society. They carry with them a pathological aversion to our race and civilization and cannot be trusted to be good citizens of any white country. Jews have led every conceivable effort to undermine our race and culture, pushing all the smut, degeneracy, white guilt and pro-mass immigration campaigns that have brought us to this dark hour. They already have their own country, Israel, and they all should go there. We must achieve separation from the Jewish race for our own race to survive.

There are a million other micro-issues I could state my opinion on but in the interests of not boring you to death, that will be it for now.

This should serve as a good primer for what a new movement towards white self-determination puts forward and is applicable to all white countries currently under assault by the radical Jews, neo-marxists, feminists and homosexuals who want to erase white people from the earth.

For a New European Man!

Hail Victory!

17 thoughts on “The Martinez Manifesto: For a New European Man

  1. Impressive document in easy to understand language.

    People who earn millions or billions per year should be encouraged to be philanthropic with their wealth in the interests of our nation and race.

    Many of them like Soros, Gates (both jewish) etc. fund organizations working directly or indirectly to destroy us.
    Encouraged yes I agree, maybe even made to make a small contribution, however if their plans and actions are revealed to be against us whites and deemed to be meddling in our nation’s good growth, then those ‘philanthropists’ must be jailed (as an initial deterrent), made to desist and have all their ill gotten and laundered gains removed and their organizations (like the WHO) shut down.

    1. As far as I know, Gates isn’t jewish. A race-blind globalist, yes, therefore as bad as Soros.

      BTW great Manifesto

      1. Phil said:

        As far as I know, Gates isn’t jewish. A race-blind globalist, yes . . .

        Bill Gates
        Jewish Aristocrat

        Phil, I never write things without doing some fact checking first or at the very least I recall having checked out the facts in the past. Of course I have to be reasonably sure of my sources.
        Miles Mathis does good research and his papers are worth reading and using as a starting point.
        Miles says they are his opinion only and you should verify them with your own research.

    2. Dorset Patriot
      seemingly all good ideas in my mind but the ques. whether or not it can actually be implemented.

  2. I believe in gun ownership for law-abiding citizens with a background check.

    Wikipedia: The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the individual right to keep and bear arms.

    This was also put in place to prevent rogue governments turning tyrannical, like we are seeing now with the “plandemic”.

    Guns in the hands of the people means there is a last resort option (#3) for them.
    1. Soapbox
    2. Ballot box
    3. Cartridge box
    In gun regulated and banned countries many people keep guns anyway, just in case.

    Learn how to improvise, survive without the state and in a closed down system (no power, food or water supply) and learn and train yourself on self reliance and how to resist and take out strategic targets.
    Great stuff.

  3. Europeans should convert to Islam bc Christianity makes the population too weak and docile. Even Hitler believed Islam was better for Europeans bc it’s a warriors religion. White sharia 2020 but it’s still fuck Arabs

  4. I oppose all leftist ideals-degeneracy, trans and homosexuals, state education, abortion, social welfare. The left embrace mediocrity, ill health, perversion, death of children in the womb, statism and the worship of the state, egalitarianism, open borders….everything BAD

  5. So basically…not much about how things are already done should be changed, but the power-brokers should be pushing a right-wing traditionalist viewpoint vice the present one? It doesn’t seem radically different from much of anything that already exists in terms of functional and technical practicalities. It seems more a shift of culture, immigration policy, and alteration of regulation/restriction toward non-traditionalist vice traditionalist lifestyles. It’s actually fairly reasonable and moderate, in my view.

    Issue with the culture being the main concern is you can only really achieve a shift of culture with wealth, meaningful social connections, access/leverage/influence over major and vital commodities (to be used for diplomatic leverage), and control over the media/entertainment/printing presses/schools, etc. When certain nepotistic social circles control all of that, I’m not sure how you can realistically acquire such things to make that change, especially if the very nepotists in charge are aware of your opposition to their monopoly. If anything, current events show that literally everyone is a sellout. So you’ll have to go to the ends of the earth hunting snarks to find some bored trust fund heir to actually make that possible. At present, however, it would appear the only people serious about throwing some funding in the direction of these ideologies are:
    (a) ironically Marxists (see the rather hilarious 4-d chess experiment from the actual chess-master Ron Unz), feds going fishing, and left-wingers & Israelis themselves who need to create the bogeyman mythos narrative needed to justify their Color Revolution.
    (b) foreign nations’ military, lower level diplomatic, & intel wings, mostly with the interest in simply causing low-level destabilization in a rival nation or using the threat of causing destabilization as diplomatic leverage against that rival nation.
    (c) mentally, emotionally, and educationally immature teenage boys with no sense of direction and no drive to actually obtain the skills and jobs necessary for their grand dreams.
    Ultimately, though, I agree with most of what you had to say. Seems reasonable. But it needs to take solid steps in creating a genuine (let me steal a beloved term from the Commies here) political superstructure in order to come to real fruition. But I suppose in the interim, a free exchange of ideas is more than acceptable.

  6. Let’s see… Merriam-Webster dictionary defines racism as – – “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race” – – The point is that there are INDIVIDUAL people who are superior or inferior in certain fields to others. The same way there are CIVILIZATIONS (Cultures)… which means Societies or Nations… and also Races… that are MORE ADVANCED from others. It doesn’t mean that there has to be present notion of “superiority-supremacy”… just DIFFERENCES! Different is NOT Racist!

    My “Racism” for instance… from the point of White man, is just plain RACIALISM, and definitely not some confused “belief”… as I do not see other Races from the point of pathological supremacy… but simply as an inherently different sort of Humans who substantially differ not only in appearance… but also…. and generally… thru the culture, habits, attitude, temperament, inclinations, values, etc. Even within various European Nations… that same differences do exist… and nobody calls it Racism. Far more significant from the color of skin… in expecting or predicting someone’s personal characteristics, are expressions from physiognomies and eyes… as those specific details, can reveal in advance, a lot to anyone with some basic life experiences. Dogs are capable to read from human’s body language and facial expressions… and no one accused dogs for Racism… ever.

    Hence… if a family or crowd of usual Gipsies, Arabs, Negros… suddenly settles in my neighborhood… in an instance I can assume what to expect in the future… which helps me to immediately start planning my next steps… before it will be too late… which means – my (family) White Flight… and almost for sure, many other (capable) Whites will follow. It’s not infamous “Racism” or prejudice… these are just natural REACTIONS on UNPLEASANT. In Europe for instance… still predominantly autochthone White societies, where dogmatic multiculturalism is forcefully induced by certain Powers… no one has right to blame instant resistance to this purposefully orchestrated vile agenda as Racism… as every leaving organism has natural right for personal (family) safety, self-preservation and civil undisturbed life… not to mention even endangered by whoever it might be… particularly not by intruding (legal or illegal) TOTAL Aliens

    The FACT is… the most of Whites do not want usual Blacks and Muslims in close proximity… not due to some vague outdated notion of “Racism”… but simply due to the HUGE differences… definitely unpleasant to many Whites!

    Correlated with all above… trying to forcefully introduce notion of single “Human Race” is an absolute nonsense, which in the start contradicts with notions of Humans and Races. First we all are Humans… and then there are Races… and further we are separated by Nations… where everything has been created by Mother Nature (or Creator) … no “social constructs” in Mother Nature’s (Creator’s) kitchen…. unless, by lunacy of Political Correctness, Mother Nature (or Creator) are Racist.

    Hence… challenged by Negroidal whimsical insolence of sheboon Bitch Kennedy Mitchum… I am (me to) contemplating to send my educated opinion on that subject… to Merriam-Webster… although I know in advance, that their PC ears are deaf on certain FACTS… as per lately… FACTS could be “Racist”!

  7. OOPS! my comment as bmaxx should have been posted under article – “Anti-White Black Bitch Kennedy Mitchum Convinces Merriam-Webster to Change Dictionary Definition of Racism”

  8. I disagree that abortion should be permitted in the case of white on white rape. The woman should be able to cope by her attacker being dehumanized and punished by society. Any woman willing to kill a child whether she wanted it or not, does not care about her seed, her race, or life itself. Social support, therapy, and honor should be given to women who endure such trials. Perhaps abortion may be permitable in the case of incest if it is born of a sibling, parent, or grandparent, and maybe also in the case of severe health issues, but I still am reluctant to think that it is ever acceptable to kill an unborn white child. It just doesn’t sit right. Hope my perspective gives you something to sit on, I enjoy your WTV videos brother.

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