US: Chinese National Arrested for Fraudulently Applying for Millions in COVID-19 Relief Loans

But China is our greatest ally say the Nazbols!

The Epoch Times:

A Chinese national residing in New York has been arrested for allegedly trying to cheat the federal government and several banks in millions of dollars in loans intended to provide relief to small businesses during the CCP virus pandemic, the Justice Department said.

Muge Ma, 36, who is also known as Hummer Mars, has been accused of attempting to claim over $20 million in government-back loans for two of his companies—New York International Capital LLC (NYIC) and Hurley Human Resources LLC (Hurley)—by falsely representing that the companies had hundreds of employees and paid millions of dollars in wages to those employees when Ma appears to be the only employee in his companies.

Ma made false representations to the Small Business Administration and five banks in loan applications for relief under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program, prosecutors alleged (pdf). He applied between March and May 15.

In order to support his loan applications, Ma submitted a range of falsified bank records, tax records, insurance records, payroll records, and audited financial statements, prosecutors said.

He also allegedly described one of his companies as a “patriotic American” firm and the other as a company that would “help the country reduce the high unemployment rate caused by the pandemic by helping unemployed American workers and unemployed American fresh graduates find jobs as quickly as possible.”

“In truth, Ma appears to be the only employee of either company and had no legitimate claim to the funds for which he applied,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said in a statement. “Ma’s alleged attempts to secure funds earmarked for legitimate small businesses in dire financial straits are as audacious as they are callous, and now he now faces federal prosecution.”

Prosecutors also said Ma allegedly misrepresented his citizenship in the applications, saying that he is an American citizen when he is in fact a Chinese national with lawful permanent resident status in the United States.

Will a case like this make the Gook Fever among the Nazbols dissipate?

Probably not.

The Chinese are a greedy race, essentially the Jews of Asia. They’ve been scamming white people for ages with their little thrift shops and MSG-laced fried food. I bet most of these Chinese people in the West dodge taxes or pay as little tax as possible by exploiting loop holes or just not declaring their income.

The Chinese impetus of the 21st century is to run roughshod over the West and milk white people for all we’re worth, then take over the planet with the Chinese military and implement their hybrid neo-Bolshevist slave system.

Only a degenerate moron with a fetish for Asian poon would venerate these people.

One thought on “US: Chinese National Arrested for Fraudulently Applying for Millions in COVID-19 Relief Loans

  1. Diversity and multiculturalism bestowing its blessings upon the USA.

    George Soros and his fetid disgusting son must be extremely pleased/

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