US: Rise in Sluts & Gold Diggers Brings Marriage Rate to Record Low

I think this statistic correlates nicely with the record-high number of Western women who have become filthy sluts, e-skanks, cam girls, feminists, insatiable gold diggers, and obese slobs.

The Hill:

Marriage rates in the U.S. have dropped to their lowest numbers on record in recent years, according to new government figures on Wednesday.

The statistics reportedly show that American marriages fell 6 percent in 2018, with 6.5 new unions formed out of every 1,000 people, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

Sally Curtin, a statistician at the center and lead author of the report, told The Wall Street Journal that that’s the lowest rate since the federal government started keeping records of marriage data in 1867.

“Millennials are in peak marriage years, their 20s and 30s, and it’s still dropping,” Curtin said. “This is historic.”

Other historic marriage rate changes include a massive drop the beginning of the Great Depression in the 1930s, followed by a dramatic spike after World War II, with 16.4 marriages per 1,000 people in 1946.

Marriages rates steadily declined from 1982 to 2009, followed by flattening rates and some growth in 2014, according to the data collected.

Another article about this trend hinted at the problem: Western women’s gold digging, hypergamous tendencies have skyrocketed now that they’re earning good money in the job market.

The range of culprits is quite large. Some blame widening U.S. income and wealth inequality. Others point the finger at the fall in religious adherence or cite the increase in education and income of women, making women choosier about whom to marry. Still others focus on rising student debt and rising housing costs, forcing people to put off marriage. Finally some believe marriage is simply an old, outdated tradition that is no longer necessary. But given that this is a trend happening across the globe in a wide variety of countries with very different income, religious adherence, education and social factors, it’s hard to pin the blame on just a single culprit.

“Choosier” is the elective word. Women have collectively raised their standards for men who must make at least 80K a year to even get a first date from a modern harlot.

This is all women’s fault, gents. The women are out-of-control. They have been empowered by scheming Jews to misbehave, to mistreat men, to overvalue themselves.

Social media has unleashed extreme female narcissism, which has totally killed the dating market. Dating is now a pedantic and fruitless chore for men who can’t get anywhere with even a moderately attractive female who believes she is a princess and has 500 other romantic options waiting for her on sundry dating apps and social media websites.

Again, it is the women. White men are victims of a monstrous female power grab, aided and abetted by hostile Jewish elites intent on plunging the white birth rate to zero. White women comply, with gusto. White men suffer.

There are virtually no traditional white women between the ages 18-35. At least not any that don’t weigh 350 pounds. They are all too busy riding the cock carousel or chasing a career in the Jewish worlds of finance and marketing.

3 thoughts on “US: Rise in Sluts & Gold Diggers Brings Marriage Rate to Record Low

  1. Right now these women are cooped up feeling pissed off. It’s time to REALLY raise their standards.

  2. 80k? Bloody hell!
    150€ for a shag with a goddess, in this country
    Talking about brotheis (my favorite topic) I have been non stop going to visit whores in my quarter, Chinks included, and I still testing negative in covid, siphilis, aids, gonorrea, lepra, tiphus, herpes, craps, and so on…
    I miss my local bar open to drink a big cold beer

  3. The next generation will be able to reproduce without a woman. This technology will take some getting used to. It will free males from their slavery.

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