White Liberal Women Are Destroying the White Race With Their Selfish Life Choices

A good video from The Iconoclast here.

This is what I’ve been saying for years now. Liberal white women (the vast majority of white women today) are our collective demise. They have been completely programmed by the Jewish system to hate motherhood, to hate men, to be disgusting dykes, to be feminists, to worship career, to worship money, to worship fame, to worship exotic black cock, and to hurl themselves head first into a death spiral of nihilism, casual sex, drugs and alcohol, or some two-bit kook leftist cause like environmentalism.

Environmentalism (the issue addressed in the video) is a faux cause that many liberal white women get into as a way to cope with being childless sluts with no purpose in life.

They literally view the Earth as a surrogate child and endeavor to look after it. Instead of pursuing traditional motherhood, they hug a tree and or chain themselves to a melting ice cap. Like men, women need a purpose in life. If they don’t have a purpose, they quickly spiral out of control and engage in destructive behaviours.

The only worthy life purpose for a woman is to be a mother. What else is there? She is not cut out for being a superhero. She is fragile and weak in the physical sense. The world is too dangerous for her to handle on her own without the protection of men. So her duty is to raise children, end of story.

But that’s not what most white women are doing. They’re pursuing soul-crushing careers in the Jewish worlds of finance and marketing, or they’re throwing themselves into the Jewish world of harlotry, porn and sex work. White liberal women are atrocious sinners, bringing shame and disagrce on all their ancestors with their selfish life choices.

White liberal women are our collective demise. And it is only through unrelenting shaming that they can be brought to heel.

2 thoughts on “White Liberal Women Are Destroying the White Race With Their Selfish Life Choices

  1. Brandon, I agree. And taught by their Marxist liberal professors, feminists, Antifa scum…They have no virtue and goodness.

  2. Many of these women use IPADs and laptops.
    Ladies . . . planting an IPAD (Infertility PAD) on your lap is a very bad idea.
    The device has a wifi transmitter located in the base, so irradiating your privates.

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