Anti-White Terrorists Tear Down Statue in Bristol, UK

Anti-white Jewish, black and self-hating white terrorists have torn down a statue in Bristol, United Kingdom.

These anti-white terrorists are going for statues of white men because they’re on a diabolical mission to erase the history of white people from white countries.

Make no mistake about it, this is a Maoist Cultural Revolution wherein all aspects of the Former Society are torn down, shredded, blotted out and replaced with imagery and symbolism of the New Rainbow Society that privileges deviant fags and people with poo-coloured skin.

They tried this in Charlottesville with Confederate monuments, remember?

The anti-white crusade has spread to the UK and inevitably will surface itself in Germany, France, Spain and other European countries where the anti-white mind virus has been spreading like wildfire through Jewish social media and legacy media channels.

Docile lemmings will absorb the anti-white virus and be compelled to engage in the most self-destructive, suicidal behaviour ever seen by living humans.

Will these anti-white terrorists be prosecuted for property destruction and public mischief? Don’t bet on it. The anti-white Jews in charge of the British government approve of these acts and are in fact behind these acts.

2 thoughts on “Anti-White Terrorists Tear Down Statue in Bristol, UK

  1. I hate the idea of tearing down statues because they have cultural and historical significance. They also look nice. The only exception I’d make is for that statue of Arthur “Bomber” Harris , the RAF war criminal responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of German civilians in WW2.

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