Australia: Female Predator Tried to Groom 13-Year-Old Boy Using Instagram, Cucked Police Not Interested in Case

A trashy Australian stripper used Instagram to try to groom a 13-year-old boy for sex, but because she’s a female the police have done nothing.

That deranged whore was a standard Instagram thot posting semi-nude photos to the evil website.

When confronted on her grooming efforts of a young boy, she flashed her tits to the camera.

This is how shameless modern whores have become. The reason that they’re so brazen with this sick, volatile behaviour is because society doesn’t actually shame women for this anymore, at least not very often. In this case, police did absolutely nothing about her pedophilic grooming of a boy. But if she were a man, she’d be in jail.

This is female privilege in action, folks. The “justice” system treats women entirely differently than men when when it comes to these sex crimes, and even with normal crimes. Women get extremely lenient prison sentences in comparison with men for the same crimes. Police don’t want to act against females because the Jewish-controlled Zionst government has bestowed extreme privileges and protections on them for the purposes of destroying society.

All of this Jew-inspired female privileging is designed to encourage behaviors like the one you’re seeing there from proud slut Bethany Edgecomb. The Jews in power want white women to embrace harlotry and slut-world deviancy. They want white females to chase pleasures. They want women not to pursue stable, traditional family life because the goal is white genocide.

For the most part white women comply with these Jewish dictates because they’re docile lemmings who follow the Jewish media script as devoutly as an Orthodox Christian follows the teachings of Christ.

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