Crazed Chicano Antifa Member Wants to Kill White People – “All Whites Must Die!”

This Chicano crackhead is representative of all Antifa members: a crazed genocidal maniac who wants all whites to die or be bred out with his mud seed.

His name is allegedly Sabastian Esquibel and has a Youtube channel.

This is what your average Antifa member believes and is encouraged to believe by the leadership of Antifa. Antifa is a violent terrorist cell whose leaders instruct members how to “gouge out eyes” and other terror tactics.

Antifa members are the subhuman dregs of society. These are usually homeless drug addicts who live in abandoned buildings and inject heroin on a daily basis. They hate white people because they want what white people have: homes, cars, careers, money, etc.

These are jealous junkies and nothing more. Their ideology is a bizarre anarchist cocktail of anti-capitalism, anti-statism, anti-whiteness and nigger worship.

The white members of Antifa are outcasts from society and their families. These are people who likely ran away from home as a child and got involved with vagabond groups, or are drug addicts who got kicked out of their parents homes. Antifa offers these homeless junkies shelter, food and probably some drugs in exchange for becoming a terrorist meat sack for the anti-white agenda of Jewish plutocrats.

Non-white members of Antifa are 60-IQ simian beasts who know nothing but violence, rape, and cannibalism.

4 thoughts on “Crazed Chicano Antifa Member Wants to Kill White People – “All Whites Must Die!”

  1. No need to convince me any further! We need to racial separate and we need to racial separate RIGHT NOW !

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