London: Mud Horde Clashes With Patriots Defending Statues

The mud horde is on the march in London, UK!

The mud mob in the above photo is strikingly similar to this cartoon, isnt it?

Look at this.

These Dindu Mobs are absolutely out-of-control. They’ve declared an all-out race war against whites and finally some whites have stood their ground against these beasts.

This white guy got jumped by a pack of bloodthirsty nogs.

This is war, ladies and gentleman.

The walls of this multiracial house of cards are coming crashing down!

This is a brilliant opportunity to organize a real, radical racial nationalist movement.

WHITE MEN need to get out on the streets to face down the mud hordes. SHOW THEM YOU MEAN BUSINESS! This is a make or break for our civilization. The enemies have come right out in the open, they’ve shown their vicious anti-white hand as clear as the blue sky on a summer day.

It’s time we get our act together and BRING THE HOUSE DOWN on these scoundrels!


3 thoughts on “London: Mud Horde Clashes With Patriots Defending Statues

    1. Enough with using the word Fascist as a pejorative! If you don’t know the meaning of a word then don’t fucking say it!

      Glad to see there are still a lot of decent British patriots around. For years they’ve had to endure endless insults and provocations from jews, colored invaders, the mass media and the government. I’d love to see those insolent niggers and Pakis get a good thrashing from pissed-off white British men.

  1. Notice the patriots are not posh people from Belgravia. They are working class fellas. Defending their History, their kind and their homeland. Many of them 50+.
    MUCH MUCH respect!

    From 🇪🇸 to 🇬🇧

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