Satanic Harlot Moldylocks is Back Sporting Antifa Gear

Everybody remembers this malodorous harlot from getting rightfully knocked out by Nathan Damigo a few years ago.

Dang, nigga.

Now the blood-drinking bitch is back.

She clearly heard the clarion call of the wild nigger ape tearing apart US cities and has decided to get in on the action.

Moldylocks, real name Louise Rosealma, is a traditional mind-warped femoid who turned to satanic feminism and leftism to fill a void in her train wreck of a life. She’s the classic rebellious modern femoid unleashed by the Jewish system. She’s taken up every imaginable minority fetish and decrepit behaviour in order to “stick it” to white men whom she hates because they’re better than her.

She’s best known for hairy-vagina fetish porn.

As you’d expect from a sewer dreg of this type, she’s got an OnlyFans account.

At one point in time this girl was normal, but somewhere along the line she caught the mind virus of leftism. That combined with her own defective neurotic genetics carried her to where she is today, a dedicated anti-white demon working vigorously towards the death of Western civilization.

Many white women have gone down this dark path, and many more will get ensnared by the devil’s temptation of “women’s empowerment” and nigger-worship to become civilizational wrecking balls smashing down all that is good, wholesome and righteous.

6 thoughts on “Satanic Harlot Moldylocks is Back Sporting Antifa Gear

  1. What an absolute waste of genetics. This is what happens when parents let the Jewish education system raise their children. We are going to need miles upon miles of rope in the future.

    1. I enthusiastically volunteer my services for work in a mobile execution squad. I have always believed in rough / frontier justice. As far as mentally ill feminist bitches are concerned they will fall back in line as soon as the white man begins to re-assert his lawful authority over this world.

  2. Look at the GIF where the patriot punches the Antifa bitch and he not only “pulled” the punch to greatly lessen the impact of his fist but he also aimed at her forehead and gave more of a shove then a punch. With his forward momentum and aiming for an eye or a nose or her teeth or even throat he could have given that patriot-hating filth a maiming or even a killing blow. I did not see or hear or read that fact in any elite-owned media.

    That wanton wench likely does not know how lucky she was that it was a patriot confronting her. A leftist or Antifa attacking… would one of those societal scourges have held back and ensured the blow was minor resulting in minimal damage?

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