St. Louis Cuck Couple Pander to Afro-Mob After Lawn Confrontation

They had one small moment of basedness and then got straight on their knees to take a mouthful of simian penis.

They’ve put out a statement through their attorney stating that they support Black Lives Matter and that the people who they confronted were “whites”.

These sniveling cucks are lying to cover up for the black people who were terrorizing their neighborhood.

Looks like mostly black people to me.

What does it say about the state of things when an affluent white couple is forced to lie about the racial makeup of a mob that menaced them?

This illustrates the sinister social control of the jew and the uselessness of rich whites. They’re impotent, decadent and easily swayed by social trends to safeguard their wealth. They’re just happy to sit in their gated community clutching their pearls while real working class white people take the brunt of the marxist-groid attacks in the streets.

Rich whites have too much to lose and too little invested in the prosperity of our race. They’ll continue to suck groid cock and take Shlomo’s circiumsiced schmeckle up the ass so they can ride off into the sunset with their jew gold, pearls, and fiat currency.

Traitorous cucks!

7 thoughts on “St. Louis Cuck Couple Pander to Afro-Mob After Lawn Confrontation

  1. The saint Louis McCloskys are hardly innocent in all of this; today on Monday the saint Louis couple stated to the news media that the people who came into their grounds were composed of exclusively white people; as in the term of being supremacists. Additionally this fine upstanding couple gave a huge huge payment 2 BLM just to make sure that the mob didnt completely turn on them. so let’s not be so good congratulatory on this!

    This sounds good; it always does, but I’m a hardcore cynic and I don’t think that this is going to amount to anything. Right now we are seeing the, FBI the police department, coming into the face of these Patriots and telling them that they’ll do anything to support the radical mob that is out there – that the Patriots will be arrested, fined and ultimately imprisoned. And you know what? 99.9 percent of the people that are running their mouths about how their not going to let America go down the drain will crumple like a House of Cards. That’s just truth!

    1. You’re right, these blowhards sit back and watch as their fellow Americans are railroaded into prison, their history (and future) is completely erased, laws are made making it illegal to defend yourself and/or your property. It’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

      Why can we NOT see an opportunity when it’s slapping us in the face? Masks mandatory? Wow, just wow. It’s beautiful, or could be.

  2. You fool.
    Circumcision is performed
    on 90% of Americans. Hygienic.
    Those not so need extra cleaning.
    Or ‘cheese dick’ syndrome results
    Best not to alienate-unless thats ut purpose….
    As previous honest soul
    XYZ ramarked
    10 Commandments@

  3. The press is anti-white. Schools are anti-white. The government is anti-white. Healthy, successful white families are what they actually want to tear down, the statues are just an effigy for us.

  4. He is a personal injury attorney. An ambulance chaser. A trial liar. Trying to save his sordid business. Will not save him. He is ruined.

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