Study: 78 Percent Of Women Spend An Hour A Day On Their Appearance

Most women are self-absorbed narcissists, a study finds.

Huffington Post:

Earlier this month, we learned that the average makeup bag contains $170 worth of products

On Monday, a new Today/AOL “Ideal to Real” body image survey was released, and it shows that people are giving up one of their most precious possessions — time — in exchange for their looks. The survey asked more than 2,000 adults and 200 teenagers over the age of 16 how much attention they dedicate to their appearance, and its effect on their daily lives.

The study found that women spend 335 hours, or two weeks, on their hair and makeup per year, which equates to about 55 minutes a day. However, the study also dug into deeper issues, like women and teens perceiving themselves in a negative light

For example, 60 percent of women and a whopping 78 percent of teen girls have something bad to say about their looks. Although it seems that females were the focal point of the study, men were also polled — but came in with lower numbers at 36 percent. 

The demographics of the data also provided some interesting insight into the difference between mothers and women without children. Surprisingly, more mothers stressed about their looks than childless women, but the study also considered the fact that some of these ladies with children fear that their appearance has an effect on their kids.

Women are so self-conscious about their looks that they spend on average an hour in front of the mirror applying different kinds of concealer makeup to cover the flaws and looking at themselves at different angles.

That doesn’t even include all the selfies, videos, snap chats, and tiktoks that they make as a form of self-gratification.

Women can’t live without extracting feelings of lust and desire from men. Without feeling desired and wanted sexually by men, women collapse into suicidal depression, anxiety, and drug addiction.

“Look at me, I’m so hot, I walk around in high heels and a short mini-skirt in order to tease men at the office and then accuse them of sexual assault if they look at my ass!”

“I need to go to the bathroom once an hour to check if my hair and makeup is in place.”

“I get validation from rejecting men who gawk at me.”

“I’m a stupid whore who derives all of my self-worth through my perceived attractiveness which is nothing but a fake mirage created with makeup products.”

“I’m a dumb slut who would have no issue falsely accusing a man of sexual assault if he didn’t give me the promotion I was looking for or just because I’m a crazy bitch.”

These sluts are out-of-control. They control men through the seductive appeal of the vagina. They play on a man’s sex drive to manipulate his wallet.

But only weak men fall for the traps set for them by these harlots.

Once you understand women’s tricks, they can’t fool or seduce you. You can read them like a book and swat them down like a fly.

Man Power!

4 thoughts on “Study: 78 Percent Of Women Spend An Hour A Day On Their Appearance

  1. Hookers are way faster.
    Vg: my time with lady hooker is over, then she goes to the shower, 10 minutes, then I go to the shower, 10 minutes, and in that 10 minutes the bedroom is done, and lady hooker is already dressed up to kill, hair done, and war colors,
    That is one of the manuy diffrerences between professionals and amateurs.

  2. The writing was on the wall for british pubs 25 years ago when the ‘open plan’ trend commenced, replacing the traditional saloon bar and public bar configuration with ghastly ‘what table number are you on’ places.
    Pubs were encouraged to convert from men’s boozers into family restaurants, thanks probably to pressure from women. WIFI was put in. Baby chairs and disabled ramps.

    Now the places are not fit for purpose . . . for drinkers wanting complete escape and enjoyment (ramps are difficult if you’ve had a lot to drink).
    Pool and darts and live entertainment severly restricted.
    Of course some landlords might still do after time ‘lock-ins’ . . . we’ll see.
    Spontaneously arranged hanky panky in the pub toilets is going to be much rarer now because of the stupid covid rules.
    Punch ups will be less frequent though assaults on staff might increase.

    Visiting the pub is going to be an unpleasant strictly policed ordeal.
    Everyone will be monitored ‘by order of the government’.

    Unpleasant for normal people who don’t like being bossed around by authoritarian jobsworths.
    Fun for compliant libtards.
    The government have ruined our country.
    This situation won’t last long . . . I can tell.
    They and their nonsense will soon be gone . . . I can’t wait.

  3. LMAO, are you trying to say you AREN’T narcissisTIC YOURSELF???!??! Stop blaming women when you can’t just leave people the fuck around about your stupid agenda, and act like suck a hating SMART ASS. Your such a goddamm hypocrite when the way to talk about everyone is fucking so shitty. Please get some help. I mean this is in a good way.

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