Anti-Whites Complain that Non-Whites Don’t Go to or Care About America’s National Parks

The bloodthirsty anti-whites are so hell bent on eliminating any white-dominated spaces that they’re now going after National Parks because mostly white people sustain and visit them.


National parks, often romanticized as “America’s Best Idea,” are also one of its whitest.

The country’s 419 national park sites largely focus on white American stories, host predominantly white visitors and are managed by one of the least diverse agencies in the federal government — the National Park Service.

After the killings of George Floyd and other African Americans sparked widespread protests about systemic racism, focus is also turning to equality in conservation, including whether agencies like the park service have addressed a diversity problem.

“I’ll be very blunt about it: I think there are some institutional racism issues with all the land management agencies, including the park service,” said Jonathan Jarvis, who served as NPS director under President Obama from 2009 to 2017.

Over 83% of the agency’s more than 21,000 permanent and temporary employees are white, according to data the service provided to E&E News, about 20 percentage points higher than the rest of the federal government. The service’s ethnic breakdown has remained nearly the same over the last five years. Six percent of the agency is Black, and about 5% is Hispanic.

Among the service’s leadership, the numbers are nearly the same. Almost 80% of superintendents are white, nearly 6% are Black and just over 7% are Hispanic.

“What they have had problems with is their leadership,” said Scott Briscoe, the founder of WeGotNext, a group dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion in the outdoors.

“The time has come for the national parks to really start diving in and finding the people who are capable for those executive positions. We’re out here. It’s just a matter of doing the work to find us.”

The trend continues through the service. Park rangers are nearly 85% white and 15% people of color. Among guides, 83% are white and 16% are people of color.

Those statistics are the product of deeply rooted problems.

The agency historically has relied on its seasonal workforce as a pipeline to full-time employment, Jarvis said, and that system makes it harder for minorities to get jobs.

The temporary workforce includes roughly 8,000 hires every summer, and it historically has been even whiter than the permanent workforce. NPS data shows African Americans making up only 2.3% of this year’s seasonal workforce, compared with 6.7% of permanent employees.

“In order to get one of those entry-level jobs in the service, you have to serve multiple seasons as a seasonal, which means you have to have some economic status in order to do that kind of job,” Jarvis said. “You end up with a middle-economic-class, college-educated, white feeder group because they’re available.”

The anti-white savages who wrote this article say that it’s a “problem” that mostly white people are employees of the National Park Service.

Another article emphasized the “problem” that very few Afro-Americans or Latinos visit these parks.

Al Jazeera:

“Why are our parks so white?” columnist Glenn Nelson asked in a recent op-ed in The New York Times. Nelson, who runs Trail Posse, an online platform that promotes diversity in the outdoors, explains that people of color are only about half as likely to visit national parks as whites. He offers two reasons for this disparity: People of color are less familiar with parks and therefore hesitant to go, and there is a lack of racial diversity among the nation’s park employees.

However, it is not just unfamiliarity with the parks that keeps people of color away. Many prospective visitors worry about disparate treatment by and implicit racial bias of park staffers. Nelson refers to jokes made by his road trip companions, including one in which they expected whites-only signs at the national park entrances. Unfortunately, those jokes are not that far from the truth. African-Americans are less likely to visit parks for fear of racist treatment by mostly white park rangers, gate agents and other park staffers. It is therefore critical to assess and eliminate these inherent biases that exclude people of color from outdoor public spaces.

According to a 2009 survey by the University of Wyoming and the National Park Service (NPS), whites accounted for 78 percent of the national parks’ visitors from 2008 to 2009; Hispanics, 9 percent; African-Americans, 7 percent; and Asian-Americans, 3 percent.

When compared with their share of the U.S. population, white park visitors are overrepresented by 14 percentage points, whereas African-Americans were underrepresented by 6 percentage points. Whites are overrepresented not only as visitors but also as park employees. According to a 2013 report by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, 80 percent of NPS employees were white. And the National Park Foundation’s 22-member board, whose mission is to support the NPS through fundraising, has only four minorities.

This is all nauseating anti-whiteness, but predictable discourse form the anti-white, jewish-controlled media.

According to these pea-brained bigots, removing white people from a government institution is “fighting racism”… because white people even existing is “racism,” right goyim?

The reason that mostly white people visit these National Parks is because whites have always been a curious and explorative race. All the great world explorers were white men. The other races largely stayed in their areas. Europeans have been a great sea-faring people who desired to discover new lands and tame wild beasts. Exploring the greats depths of earth’s forests, oceans and even outer space is a unique racial quality of whites. Outdoor activities like hiking, camping and fishing play into that sense of adventure that is embedded deep within the white soul.

Other races simply don’t carry the requisite genes or impulses to explore. American blacks and latinos are largely lethargic urban dwellers who rarely leave their gritty living zones. Blacks and other non-whites just don’t have the wits to manage a trip in the woods. Exploring the wild doesn’t appeal to pea brains. They’re afraid of anything outside of their constricted urban living spaces. They’ve got no need or desire to explore when all of their animalistic urges can be fulfilled by smoking crack and chasing poon in the hood.

2 thoughts on “Anti-Whites Complain that Non-Whites Don’t Go to or Care About America’s National Parks

  1. Because they don’t live around them. Also when I lived in the states , I noticed that many non whites (not all) tend to trash any park or public place. So maybe not the best idea.

  2. If you go to Northern Africa, you will see the locals trashing their own beaches and landscapes.
    Really sad. It really hurts me since I like the North of Africa so much.

    The concept of a national park is one of the best rols of the State (or the Government, as they say in the US) Many libertarians hate national parks and would like them sold very cheap to private companies. They are even more dangerous to the national parks.

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