California: Latinos Make Up Majority of Freshmen Admitted to State University

White replacement isn’t happening, goyim!

Bear this no mind, goyim!


Latino students will make up the majority of the University of California’s freshman class for this upcoming school year, according to preliminary data released Thursday. For the first time ever at the schools, they are now the largest ethnic or racial group of incoming freshmen, making up 36% of the nearly 80,000 admitted students. 

Among other groups, UC’s figures show Asian Americans made up 35%, Whites 21% and African American 5%. Offers to California freshmen from underrepresented groups increased by 4,678 for a total of 33,225, an increase of 16% from last year, the school said in a news release.

“This has been an incredibly challenging time as many students have been making their college decision in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,” UC President Janet Napolitano said in a statement. “UC continues to see increased admissions of underrepresented students as we seek to educate a diverse student body of future leaders. The incoming class will be one of our most talented and diverse yet, and UC is proud to invite them to join us.” 

Remember how all the globalists and leftists have been gaslighting us for years that the Great Replacement isn’t happening? Remember how they said talk like that was just “paranoid conspiracy theories” by “white supremacists”?

Yeah, they’ve been conditioning whites to ignore the warning signs of their replacement and when these signs become obvious to dismiss them as just “changing times” and a “triumph of diversity”.

The Great Replacement is rapidly occurring across the Western world and the evil jews and non-whites behind it will continue to deny what they’re doing to us.

Whites need to congregate into the white-majority areas of America and start anew. The big cities like Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, etc., are a lost cause. Those are enemy territories. Whites need to start new communities in rural places that drone-like urbanite non-whites don’t want to live in.

One thought on “California: Latinos Make Up Majority of Freshmen Admitted to State University

  1. Without coming together and explicitly excluding non-whites we are fucked. These invaders are already invading the whitest parts of America.

    There is very few remaining white places left.

    How the fuck do whites not come to their senses when they see their colleges are 21% white??! And they still come out of that system being anti-white.

    Is Napolitano a jew or just an evil dyke?

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