4 thoughts on “Canadian Hipster Chick Listens to My Facts About Blacks

  1. I guess many non retarded normies and lefties will walking away from the left next days and weeks.
    We have to be generous to them. I do not expect them in the radical right, but they will be expected in civic nationalism and libertarianism.
    But, I presume most of them, even walking away from the left, they still will hold leftie views in some issues
    regarding public healthcare, etc. That is the reason they could find some appealing in the nationalpopulist right.
    The party of Le Pen, in France, and Vox, in Spain, and Lega, in Italy are full of these former lefties.
    Vox is going to create a non marxist syndicate soon.
    The right, certain right, have to be the place for working and middle class people.

    1. Interesting discussion. This young woman remains polite and detached, willing to listen to “a little bit of everything” and “to learn”. Listening to the claim without forwarding a counter argument that Israel has a disproportionate amount of leverage, she concedes the point that White countries are very tempting destinations for non-White immigrants.
      Remaining without scorn or sarcasm she does not refute that Blacks are more likely to die at the hands of other Blacks than other races, admitting her lack of knowledge on the subject. She also concedes that the organisation “Black Lives Matter” is by it’s very title racially exclusionist.
      This young woman perhaps appears to display socially conservative tendencies in as much as when she asks the interviewer what his attitude towards a Black family of husband wife and children would be if confronted with them, to which he responds that a Black family would be preferable to a single Black man.

    1. A great many of what we might call “hipsters” are self-employed, running small, narrow profit margin businesses – cafes, craft/gift-ware shops and on-line, home-based enterprises. This type of employment takes a lot of reciprocity and co-operation in terms of dealing with both customers and suppliers; the latter especially so. These businesses quite often evolve out of some specialist hobby , requiring focus, forward planning, patience and endurance. If profitable, they can bring a great deal of satisfaction and self-fulfilment. The characteristics to make these sorts of endeavours work are more noticeable amongst Europeans – specifically North Western Europeans, than populations from other parts of the world.

      Unlike those hard-Left-leaning people who work in public sector employment and are usually guaranteed a regular salary, the frequently much-scorned-by-the-Right “free-spirits”, “hipsters” and “creative types” are sometimes not as unfavourably disposed towards our sorts of ideas as some of us might imagine. Does anybody honestly think that these people would be pleased if their homes, or themselves physically were harmed by a BLM mob? To her credit, the young woman in the video acknowledges the displayed virtue-signalling and “The Emperor’s New Clothes” phenomenon in relation to “Black Lives Matter”. ( Digressing slightly, but in a related vein; 27 year-old UK radio presenter Roman Kemp – son of 1980’s actor/singer Martin Kemp, has made himself a complete and total laughing-stock because of his virtue-signalling in relation to the counter-protests organised by indigenous Brits in relation to the BLM mob in London on Saturday the 13th of June just gone. He announced that he was “ashamed to be White and British”. One commentator on the site of the newspaper “Metro” described him as a “virtue-signalling little tit”. )

      Like Trajano said, we have to be magnanimous towards people like the young woman in the video. If they start to question the validity of the current system, then that is a step in the right direction.
      We also have to be realistic with ourselves. We can not and should not try and recreate the imagery of almost a century ago – poor plastic copies of stahlhelms worn by overweight, socially clumsy misfits to the great amusement and satisfaction of our enemies.

      We Are Going To Win!

      Best Regards To Everyone,


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