Chicago: Groid Charged With Shooting 5-Month-Old in Stroller, Two Others

Groids see no difference between a 5-month-old in a stroller and a 50-year-old. All they see is a target.


A Chicago man was ordered held without bail Sunday, July 19 on charges he shot three people in Old Town, including a 5-month-old boy who was riding in a stroller.

Teantun Davis, 21, is charged with three counts of aggravated battery with a firearm and one count of unlawful use of a weapon by a felon in the shooting Thursday evening in the 1300 block of North Hudson, according to the Cook County state’s attorney’s office.

During his bail hearing, prosecutors allege that Davis got out of the backseat of a red Hyundai SUV and fired 14 shots at two men who were eating.

One of the bullets ultimately struck a 5-month-old boy who was sitting in a stroller about 100 feet away, prosecutors said. He suffered a gunshot wound near his eye and was rushed to Lurie Children’s Hospital, where his condition was stabilized.

A 19-year-old man was also shot in the shoulder and back, while a 25-year-old man was struck in the thigh, prosecutors said. They were stabilized at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Surveillance footage showed Davis fire into “a crowd of people” and get back in the SUV, prosecutors said. During the attack, he wore a hooded sweatshirt that covered his face, prosecutors said.

Groids are the most feral race on the planet. Killing little children is something that comes second nature to them.

The groid evolved without empathy censors in the brain. The groid is just as savage and untamed as wild lions in the jungles of Africa.

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