Germany: Maniac Judge Upholds 6-Month Prison Sentence for German Patriot Who Called Out Jew Bigot

Criticizing members of the chosen jewish race is explicitly illegal in Germany.


The leader of Dortmund’s far-right fringe party “Die Rechte” (The Right) lost an appeal over his conviction for sedition and assault on Friday after the German Constitutional Court upheld the original ruling.

The higher court agreed with the conviction based on the notion that the term “cheeky Jew” incited hatred. 

Sascha Krolzig’s assertion that a Jewish community leader was a “cheeky Jewish functionary” saw him receive a six-month prison sentence, meted out in 2018 by the Bielefeld District Court. The ruling was then confirmed by the higher regional court of Hamm.

Krolzig made the comment in a post on a website he was responsible for in summer 2016. He combined this with a call to boycott Jewish organizations.

The Constitutional Court has now confirmed the reasoning behind the sentencing, emphasizing that the basic right of freedom of opinion is subject to the limitations imposed by general laws. Expressions of opinion must not “mark the transition to aggression or breach of law.”

According to the decision of the Second Chamber of the First Senate, the experience of German history requires “an increased sensitivity in dealing with the pejorative use of the word Jew.” 

When it was a matter of creating a mood against the Jewish population and of identifying with the National Socialist racial ideology, this could be seen as a “contemptuous way of stigmatizing Jews in a hateful manner” and thus indirectly as an invitation to others to discriminate against and harass Jews.

Germans are living under a brutal jewish apartheid regime that oppresses them for taking note of the jewish interference in their politics.

Hate-filled sociopathic jews are attempting to exterminate the German race through immigration of hostile racial aliens like Turks, Afghanis and Africans. Patriotic Germans who resist this sinister process of racial dispossession are being sadistically persecuted by jewish judges and lawyers who’re thirsty for German blood.

This is the future for Europeans under the jackboot of hostile enemy racial groups who despise us and our history. The only way forward for the white man is Total Resistance against enemy domination.

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