Holohoax “Survivor” Says She Survived Gas Chamber Because Order Was to Kill Only 500

This is one example of the deluded hucksterism of these phony holocaust “survivors”.

The Germans were so meticulous about numbers that they spared this wench because she surpassed the approved number of gassing victims.

Only very low-IQ or emotionally-driven women would believe this tall tale.

Why didn’t the Germans just gas her the next day or the day after that? They would’ve had endless opportunities to gas this woman but miraculously let her live.

She also claims that jews died while standing up in a train.

As my readers are astutely aware, jews are pathological liars and make up the most harebrained atrocity stories. The best Hollywood fiction writers wouldn’t even put these types of asinine stories into movies. Jews lie pathologically in order to fleece the goyim. They also do it because they’re mentally ill and have a genetic impulse to lie to non-jews about their fake suffering.

3 thoughts on “Holohoax “Survivor” Says She Survived Gas Chamber Because Order Was to Kill Only 500

  1. So here’s a question for you Mr. Martinez – why do you run these videos in your blog here ? First off I don’t want to hear about anything to do with Jews in the second world war and how supposedly we did something to them. We never ever hear ANYWHERE about the mass murder of the Ukrainians BEFORE the second world war even began and was instigated by Jewish commissars who on their own initiative starved out upwards probably of about 30 million Ukrainians because they wouldn’t follow the Jewish Communist Party.

    So why give any of these so-called survivors any airtime whatsoever? Personally I don’t want to hear anymore their stories given the fact that Jews have shed so much blood before and after the second world war that their sob stories really don’t have too much of fact on anybody who knows anything about these people.

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