Mystery Meat Femoid Admits She’s Anti-White

These mutt-race sluts are unashamedly anti-white. And yet most of these types end up dead in a ditch or dumpster, the victim of some overzealous groid “boyfriend”.

Sub my bitchute.

Help out a nigga in need, yo!

6 thoughts on “Mystery Meat Femoid Admits She’s Anti-White

  1. I would suggest to let them speak up. By listening to them, we can understand their minds.
    Most of the time they do not get the “anti white” thing. First of all because they do not understand what European culture is. They do not know a single thing about it. They relate “white” with “wasp-GOP”.
    Folks like this mestiza chick have a “Benetton” utopia in their minds. Heidi Klum, Angelina Jolie, Mia Farrow, Charlize Theron, are their idols.
    But, at the same time, probably she would love to marry a white Hispanic man, to whiten her genetics.
    Quite probable she will not, she will have to conform to have children with other mestizo, and in the case she fucks around she will get a mutant zambo baby.

  2. My favorite part of this was the end. “Fucking retard”. Hehehe. Spot on. In order for one to be able to hold a position and stand by it, one should be able to articulate arguments for and against that position. One should be able to counter every objection to their viewpoint with empirical and factual responses. Sir, you do that with ease and quite well.

  3. I think a lot of the chicks you argue with on Omegle kind of dig you and your politically incorrect alpha male persona.

  4. This debate is a true victory since she admits what she and her comilitons really want is “to minimaze” white population. No more questions, your Honour.
    The paradox is that I bet she wants a white Hispanic (kind of young Andy Gacia, let us say) to breed.
    All non whites want whites to breed.

  5. AOC is not anything but crypto- jewish. she’s a sephardic I believe. Can’t stand it when people go along with the “russian-jewish” “anglo-jewish” xxxxx-jewish garbage it’s a deception by these demon shells. Of course the most dangerous of them are the deep cryptos like the bushes, clintons, roosevelt-truman-eisenhower disaster troika etc etc etc Then they ape it by the nonsensical “african-american” naajp blm trash talmudist movements for subversion. The vile actress charlize theron can rightfully say she’s “african-american” bc she’s from South Africa! This doublespeak is a talmudist/kabbalist invention and ruse.

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