Portland: ‘Wall of Moms’ Protect Antifa Terrorists from Police

As I’ve been saying for years, white women are our downfall as a race.

Washington Post:

A thick wall of tear gas crept closer to the wall of moms in yellow shirts chanting, “Don’t shoot your mother,” as they faced off with federal agents during another night of nonstop protests.

As the gas enveloped the group late Tuesday, some began to cough. One mom ripped off her goggles in frustration — they didn’t seal around her eyes and the burning gas had seeped in. She rubbed her face and let out a groan, but she didn’t leave. Neither did hundreds of other self-identified moms who showed up at the latest round of protests to stand, arms linked, between armed federal agents and demonstrators.

In front of the federal courthouse, federal agents in tactical gear used batons to push back the moms in bike helmets. Dozens were tear-gassed. Some were hit with less-lethal bullets fired into the crowd.

Still, they stayed.

The fledgling collective, formed less than a week ago, has dubbed itself the Wall of Moms — and new chapters have already formed in cities around the country from St. Louis to New YorkChicago to Philadelphia and even in the nation’s capital. The groups have organized in anticipation of a national deployment of federal law enforcement personnel to Democratic-led cities — a nascent plan President Trump announced he was putting into action earlier this week.

Trump has defended his administration’s use of force in Portland, where officers from various federal agencies have clashed nightly with protesters, made arrests and pulled demonstrators in for questioning in unmarked cars. The president called the protests in Portland, a liberal Pacific Northwest city, “worse than Afghanistan.”

It is always white women who step up to defend our oppressors and the people seeking to exterminate our race.

White women have become human shields for the dark forces of our demise: blacks, jews and leftists. White women are the most programmed group of automatons mass produced in jewish-marxist slave factories. They’re foot soldiers of the enemy battalions marching in lockstep with violent criminal scum like Antifa and BLM.

This is why only white men can solve the issues we face. We’ll get negligible support from white women. Most of them have joined the enemy camp because the enemy camp still offers them a place on the anti-white victim gravy train. White women won’t jump ship to our side until they are being categorically oppressed by our enemies. So long as the satanic movement of feminism includes them, they’ll continue to spout the anti-white, anti-male rhetoric of marxism.

Virtue signaling is like a rite of passage for white women. They’ve forgotten how to cook and clean and have instead taken up the art of sucking black cock in public.

4 thoughts on “Portland: ‘Wall of Moms’ Protect Antifa Terrorists from Police

  1. I don’t support or believe in these women whatsoever; but let’s look at the facts regarding what’s going on; the reason why these women act the way they do is because of the intense brain washing that has been going on better now than 50 years in this country. Fortunately or Unfortunately depending upon your viewpoint, women have a soft heart for anybody who is in trouble and is suffering.

    That is something that is programmed within their nature and it is something that cannot be dispensed with nor should we ever want it to be wiped out because it is a nurturing nature that’s the protects children and keeps them safe especially – our children. And if we ever extricate ourselves from this mess, we will be thankful that there are women out there who think the way they do, so let’s not get 2 unhappy with the nature of women -let’s make them aware that if they continue on the path that they are going that they are going to cause their own children to become victims of this system which they believe is something that is good and right.

    We need to educate them and make them see the light if it’s humanly possible so that they don’t end up falling into the trap of the liberal establishment.

  2. Very simple explanation, these soft fat spoiled GenX and millenials have never felt the sting of battle.
    Most of these ‘brainwashed’ anti white whites live far away from the groid zones.
    The sooner the shit stain masses hit those small towns and white suburbs the better.

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