UK: Sheffield Cathedral to Disband Choir for Not Being ‘Diverse’ Enough

The anti-whiteness of our institutions is reaching new heights.

Now they’re closing down iconic church choirs for not having enough brown people.

The Guardian:

In a break with centuries of tradition, Sheffield cathedral is to stand down its choir in order to make a “completely fresh start” with a new team of choristers that reflects and engages with an increasingly diverse city.

statement published on the cathedral’s website on Wednesday said “significant change” was needed. The cathedral’s governing body, the Chapter, had decided on “a new model for Anglican choral life here, with a renewed ambition for engagement and inclusion”, it added.

Although the cathedral’s music department had been the subject of a review, the closure of the choir was unexpected and is likely to infuriate traditionalists in the Church of England and classical music circles.

Apart from a handful of adult singers, the current choir is drawn largely from schools in the Sheffield area (including private schools) and mainly performs music from the Anglican choral tradition.

Peter Bradley, the cathedral’s dean, said: “The city is changing pretty quickly and we feel cathedral music needs to have a wider reach. We want to be more ambitious, and that means engaging with a wider group of children and reaching parts of the city we haven’t reached before.”

In future, there may be more than one choir drawn from larger numbers of children and university students, he said.

The population of Sheffield and the surrounding area is growing, getting younger and becoming more diverse, and in recent years, the cathedral had welcomed refugees and supported people living on the streets, Bradley said.

“We need to be engaging with people who are part of this changing city. We believe strongly in equality and giving as many children as possible the opportunity to sing at the highest level.”

The appeal of church music was wide but sometimes “presented in a way that can be seen as elitist”, he said.

White people need to absolutely boycott all of these anti-white institutions, whether they’re churches, universities, or government bodies. White people must take their labour off the table for any institution that puts out any sort of thinly veiled anti-white, pro-“diversity” statement.

These institutions are openly telling whites that they’ll soon be replaced and that it’s only a matter of time before each white person is axed and replaced with a privileged pooskin. Why wait for that day? Just quit and set up some parallel pro-white organization or institution where only whites can participate.

We need to fight fire with fire. Form whites-only clubs, groups, and organizations. Point out the hypocrisy of the anti-white mob at every turn, expose them in the public square.

White Power!

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