4 thoughts on “We All Bleed Red

  1. Another development recently which was pretty much unbelievable is that our Supreme Court sold us out to some kind of Indian tribe in Oklahoma saying that basically the eastern half of Oklahoma belongs to them. I honestly don’t have any idea how this is all going to turn out now that everybody has piled on trump, but I can say that if this does happen then probably Joe Biden who is crazy will become the president until he is scooted out of office and whichever Jewish liberal then finally comes to power. Where will be then? What are your thoughts on these matters??

  2. Lockdowns have meant that many if not all public toilets are closed.
    When you gotta go – you gotta go.
    At least find somewhere hidden from view, first checking that the pee will not run out of the side street and down a hill, revealing your location and what you just did. The woods are ideal if you are desperate for a pee (though take care to not gouge an eye out on broken tree branches) and avoid leafy foliage it can shed liquid unpredictably getting your trousers and shoes wet.
    Only animals crap everywhere and uncivilised sorts as described in the article above.

    1. Just saying such as that you are required to get rid of your bodily waste and therefore if you have to go you have to go, perhaps would make sense if you have to urinate. However with the picture of the black woman above there is not even a pretense is trying to modestly take care of her elimination.

      In fact I would say that the woman above in the picture is trying to be as in your face and disrespectful to the people on the subway as one could possibly be. When someone does something like that so openly they are being totally disrespectful to individuals in society and they are showing themselves to have no respect for anyone including themselves.

      I would have to argue that your argument is ridiculous even on the surface. One should always strive to be as moderate as possible in one’s behavior; I realize that you are not saying that that is acceptable but one shouldn’t encourage in any fashion that anything such as elimination should be done as public as it showing here

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