California: Supreme Court Lowers Passing Score for State BAR Exam to Increase Black/Latino Lawyers

This is what the non-white underachievers call “equity”: lowering the standards that whites have established so that they can compete with their betters.

LA Times:

For more than three decades, California has clung to one of the nation’s toughest testing standards for law school students hoping to practice law in the most populous state in the country. 

But this month, the California Supreme Court, which oversees the state bar, agreed to lower the passing score for the exam, a victory for law school deans who have long hoped the change would raise the number of Black and Latino people practicing law.

After holding virtual meetings with law school graduates and deans, the state’s highest court this month permanently lowered the passing score, allowed for law school graduates to work temporarily under supervision with provisional licenses during the pandemic and permitted graduates to take the bar exam remotely in early October.

“There is absolutely no evidence that shows having a higher score makes for better lawyers,” said UCLA School of Law Dean Jennifer L. Mnookin, a longtime supporter of lowering the passing score. “There is significant evidence that it reduces the diversity of the bar.”

Forty percent of California’s population is white, 60% are people of color. But 68% of California lawyers are white, and only 32% are people of color, according to a new report by the State Bar of California.

UC Berkeley School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky said the court’s action would not have come now if it were not for the coronavirus outbreak. 

“I think they were trying to fashion a compromise that took into account the unique circumstances” of the health crisis, he said.

The Black Lives Matter movement also might have influenced the court.

“On the one hand, the pressure to lower the score has existed for some time,” Chemerinsky said. “On the other hand, the racially disparate impact of the higher cut score may have had particular importance for the court in light of what has happened in the last few months.”

So admittedly this court was “influenced” by BLM rioting and extortion to take this action.

BLM is terrorizing America’s top institutions to lower standards to suit the low-IQ and poor study habits of blacks and non-whites. This is a classic extortion racket. Burn, riot and loot until the government helps brown pooskins compete with whites by dropping all the testing standards.

This is how brown people “compete” with more intelligent whites, by rigging the game in their favor.

Whites are already a minority in California, only 40% of that state, so shouldn’t white people be getting special consideration and not the non-white majority? Of course, as we know “equality” is a one way street that works to disenfranchise whites no matter their actual size of the population. Minority or majority, “diversity” and “equity” always works against white people towards the ethnic power of entitled coloreds.

3 thoughts on “California: Supreme Court Lowers Passing Score for State BAR Exam to Increase Black/Latino Lawyers

  1. Devil’s advocate.
    Jews are attracted to law as a career too.
    More so now than in previous decades.
    They mostly practice in small firms doing the lucrative “dirty work”.

    This article explains.

    These firms, Mr. Wald notes, were generally willing to engage in practices that the white-shoe firms eschewed as undignified — litigation, bankruptcy and real estate. These became “protected practice arenas” for Jewish law firms, he said.

    I read somewhere jews are good at study and take it very seriously.
    I looked into this because it is common knowledge there are a lot of jews in the ‘law industry’.

  2. Talmudists are not white, even the interbred cryptos with whites are not so. The Synagogue of Satan members are crafty and use this when it’s convenient for them. After all the largest 5th column for the gogue, besides freemasons, are the cryptos. These demon shells falsely convert to the dominant religion of their host solely to subvert and destroy as while making fortunes off of it. This is highly satanic behavior and they will populate hell. Their disgusting Talmud and Kabbalah are very oriental and barbaric in nature. No doubt that lawyers are very prone to criminal behavior because they know details of the law and can easily see how to evade it. Couple that with these lawyers in politics, judges and elsewhere and you have a hotbed for not just gangsters but gogue supergangsters all over. Throw in below average fodder and you have even more dupe frontmen for the gogue to use. By deception..

  3. I’m wildly suspicious of this fraudulent claim of 40% alone being white in California – WASPs and Germans don’t hold the sole claim to Europa. Bullshit. I’m sick of listening to elitist traitors pretend to care about hispanics or like they know anything about it outside of convenient articles and documentaries- never actual life and interaction that isn’t some condescending staged charity event for them to bend down and pat the poor on their heads and feel like good people for it. The only thing tipping the scales in this fraudulent demographic claim is their fraudulent claim that all Hispanics are so-called “people of color”- they’re not; many are 50+% white; many have come from cultures that are Hispanic but ultimately far more European than the fantasy of preserved Indian culture they pretend exists; there’s no alliance of blacks with Hispanics and frankly it’s not even alliance but a disgusting vassalage in which delusional high class blacks fantasize about being the masters and defenders of Hispanics who are in every way already more successful than them and not in need of them. But even then, they need the boot- most of the poorer hispanics are literal willing slaves that want nothing but to be vampires and send remittances to their homelands, where their true loyalties lie. (And it’s Hispanics- Spanish speakers- as “Latino” is a made up nonexistent construct that claims there is some mythical monolith of mass mestizo identical in all countries that has transformed into its own race – this is fantasy; each native tribe was wildly different, each European settlement history was wildly different, the trends of admixture in each country was wildly different (and the racial mix trends still are strong indicators of class), and the influx of new entirely unrelated mostly white immigrants, and some other very random nationalities, in the late 1800s to early 1900s, was again wildly different from country to country- there is no pan-Latinismo and there is no Latino- there are people bonded by a common language of their founding settlers Spain called Hispanics generally; but the general trend is anywhere worth living in Latin America is run by white Spaniards and other white immigrants into the colonies, such as French and German, or even the random Japanese, but everywhere run by Indians or inflexible communists is pretty much a guaranteed shithole)

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