Canada: Doctor Fleeing Violence in South Africa Murdered by Sudanese Migrant

Trudeau’s Somali terrorist minister of immigration and citizenship will continue importing these violent African animals to “enrich” Canada with terror and death.

National File:

Walter Reynolds, a South African doctor who relocated to Canada in search of a better life, was allegedly by a Sudanese migrant at his medical practice while defending over a dozen people who were at the clinic at the time of the murder on August 10.

Reynolds, 45, was killed at the Village Mall Walk-in Clinic in Red Deer, Alberta, when police say a Sudanese migrant attacked the doctor with a hammer and machete.

Speaking exclusively to National File, Reynold’s brother-in-law Ruben Teixeira explained that “he fled South Africa precisely to escape this kind of senseless violence and to be able to safely raise a family and help people as a general practitioner.”

Teixeira described Reynolds, a husband and father of two, as “the most caring and generous person, very engaged in his work as a family doctor in a clinic he had built with a partner some years ago.”

He had moved to Canada in 2003, then to Red Deer in 2006, reported CTV News.

Reynolds yelled at the receptionist for help, prompting her to lead an evacuation of the waiting area. Two individuals held the door shut until police arrived, trapping the suspect inside. A total of 13 people were in the clinic when the attack began.

While the attack took place, shocked bystanders fled the scene. When police arrived, Mabiour allegedly threw the hammer at an officer’s head and nearly a dozen armed officers pleaded with Mabiour to lower his machete to make the arrest.

After reportedly attempting to protect others at the clinic, Reynolds succumbed to his injuries in hospital.

Deng Mabiour, 54, was arrested at the scene and has been charged with first-degree murder, assault with a weapon and assaulting a police officer, according to CBC. Mabiour claims that he has no recollection of the bloody murder.

When you have this man as your immigration czar, you know your country is in deep trouble.

This Somali piece of shit has turned Canada into a giant refugee resettlement camp. He’s purposely trying to wash out white people from a historic white country built and founded by white European settlers. This feral beast wants to establish a second Somali Republic on Canadian soil so his bastard criminal race can rule, rape and kill as they please.

3 thoughts on “Canada: Doctor Fleeing Violence in South Africa Murdered by Sudanese Migrant

  1. Mogadishu. Imagine if the armed forces had not fought Mohammed Farrah Aidid. Enough said. Down here in USA, we have Ilhan Omar, Ken Ellison, Rashida Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez. 3 muslims and…that thing. They want to allow anyone in. They have let anyone in, and coast to coast the USA is in turmoil. If Canadian leaders are smart, they will not repeat the mistakes of the fools in charge down here.

  2. Damn! My home province Alberta. Of course they have to bring “people” everywhere in Canada. That Rural immigration program doesn’t help either.

  3. yeah but who appointed him ? ?remember Pierr Trudeau and the human rights commission ? ? the chairman was a so called doctor from India

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