Egypt: TikTok Dancing Slut Arrested & Charged With Inciting Debauchery

If ‘inciting debauchery’ were a criminal offense in the West, half the female population would be in jail.

Daily Mail:

An Egyptian court Wednesday jailed the sixth woman in a week over TikTok videos, deeming the clips in which she dances and lip-syncs to popular songs to be ‘inciting debauchery’, a judicial source said.

The sentencing of Manar Samy to three years imprisonment is the latest in a string of such rulings against popular female social media users in Egypt over content posted to the image-sharing apps TikTok and Instagram.

Samy was arrested earlier in July on charges of ‘inciting debauchery, immorality and stirring up instincts’ through her online videos, according to a prosecution statement.

Prosecutors found her videos — in which she dances and lip-syncs to popular music — to be ‘offensive to public decency’ and to have been posted ‘with the aim of committing prostitution’.

According to the judicial source, the verdict can be appealed and ‘includes a fine of 300,000 Egyptian pounds ($19,000)’.

Her bail was set at 20,000 pounds, the source added.

Samy’s lawyer Hani Basyoni later told AFP the ‘bail has been paid but her release could be postponed until after the Eid al-Adha holiday ends on Monday’.

The court scheduled an appeal hearing for August 15, he added.

Wednesday’s ruling came days after another court sentenced five female social media influencers, Haneen Hossam, Mowada al-Adham and three others, to two years each in jail over content posted to TikTok.

I don’t like Islam and towel heads but they’ve sorted out the woman question pretty well. Legal sanction against slutty, degrading behaviour, which is now commonplace for all Western women, is the only way to stop them from behaving like degenerates.

Women are nothing more than hive mind trend-followers. As soon as they see some slut friend dancing on gay apps like TikTok, they all follow suit like a flock of birds migrating south in the winter.

Since the ‘liberation’ of women, our society has rapidly declined. Sex obsession and addiction has exploded due to the unhinged whorish public behaviour of women. All they seem to know how to do well is flaunt their tits, ass and curves in public. Modern women will tell you they want to be respected as the equals of men, and then they dress themselves like cheap thrift hookers on a Romanian street corner.

For society to function well, women need to be corralled and controlled or else these zoo animals will destroy everything.

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